Live a Little: Focus in YOU

Focusing in myself.. easier said than done?

This week I encourage you to live a little and focus in YOU and what makes you happy. This should be and could be a sunshine filled post, but it’s not. Because I get it. I totally get why this is not as easily done as said for many of us. Can we do this together? Because this is kind of important. Focusing on YOURSELF comes easy for some people, but I’m not one of them. So much of the joys in life for me come from seeing other people happy that I often forget to think what makes me happy and what I want to do for ME. I want to bake to surprise the family, seeing them happy makes me happy. I want to write here, because I want to inspire you to live life to the fullest, and knowing that I touch lives makes me happy. I want to travel the world with my kids and see them grow global citizens, that makes me happy. I’m also so busy pleasing other people and making sure they are happy, that they often forget to ask me what I really would like. My family asked me this weekend what I wanted to do, and instead of saying, my answer was frustrated “what does it matter, we never do what I want to do anyways” – do you sometimes feel the same way? I don’t know which I’m more frustrated that my family doesn’t always enjoy the same things as I do, or the fact that I don’t even know from the top of my head what I would like to do FOR ME. I feel often that my life is a sum of compromises, and even the compromises became someone else’s compromises, and I am just trying to juggle to make everyone else around me happy and make the best out of everything. I’m not saying I’m not happy, I am. I’m very flexible, very adjustable and I can always find the best of everything, and I can have a great time almost anywhere with the right people. Part of my life quest is finding that beauty everywhere and enjoy what I have right now. But when I am asked “but WHAT DO YOU REALLY WANT,” it’s not as easy to answer. And yet, it’s the most important question of them all. It is important to define what you want, what your goals in life you have, and not just defining where you want to go but how you want your journey to look like. There is the “big picture” and there is the “small picture”. I think I’m doing OK with the Big Picture, but the everyday stuff, not so much.

Live a little: ask yourself what can you do for YOU

Let’s start with the small picture and live a little and dedicate this week for focusing on ourselves. What can you do right now for YOU? Not to please anyone else, not to check off a to-do thing of your list, not to do something for your kids, family, spouse, friends or boss. This week I want to color my hair, join a gym, buy something to pamper me, like a new perfume (when the heck did everyday product like perfume start feeling like “pampering”???), and talk more on phone with friends, and make solid plans to see friends face to face, even though it takes time, money and organizing and it’s inconvenient for my family. What will you do? Write about it and share your post here – and read more from others!

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Participate to Live a Little blog hop! Write a blog post how you “live a little,” what’s your small way of living life to the fullest and add your blog post to the InLinkz widget above. Rules: Link either to Skimbacolifestyle.com, OR get the InLinkz code for your post – or do both! If you post the widget in your blog post, please add these rules as well. We recently added a weekly topic, but it's just a suggestion - we want to hear how you live a little and inspire others to do that as well. This week's topic: me time, focus in YOU Next week's topic: health / take care of you You can also find Live a Little banners here for your post.

Skimbaco Lifestyle

Skimbaco Lifestyle is for nomadic trailblazers, fearless founders, rebel leaders and people who live life to the fullest.