News: my Instagram Travel book coming soon
I am so happy to announce that my book
Instagram as your Guide to the World – How, what and who to search and follow on Instagram to help you to travel the world is
almost done and I am so thankful for so many great people who have supported me in this book project during the writing period. Many of my Instagram friends have been very encouraging and they have been asking for a coffee table book with some of my photos from Sweden. I really appreciate the compliments and Sweden does make it easy for me to take great photos. The winter, the snow and the river view on my backyard have made it very easy to post “good morning from Sweden” photos everyday on Instagram. I typically post every day right after 6AM local time.
Here are some of my latest Instagram photos from Sweden, you can see all of my photos on Instagram, my username is
My book is not a photo book, and it is only going to be an electronic book and can only be read via Kindle, iPad or computer, so it is far from a coffee table photo book, and it is more like a technical how-to-book how to use Instagram for a very specific use: to use Instagram as a travel guide. The book has plenty of my photos though – I traveled to
Paris and
Rome during writing this book and the book has examples of how I used Instagram as my travel guide for both trips.
I don’t know anything about book publishing but I have been listening to Chris Brogan very closely and his tips to
anyone who wants to write a book are spot on. By the way, even if book writing isn’t for you, you might still like the
newsletter Chris sends out on Sundays, and entrepreneurs will love his
Mastering the digital channel classes.
Several travel bloggers on Instagram have given quotes for the book, and I will be featuring many of my favorite Instagram accounts both in the book, and here at Skimbaco Lifestyle during the upcoming months. I’ve felt very honored that so many people from the global travel community have shared their photos with the #IGTravelBook hashtag and shared their photos with others, and this amazing community is really the main reason for me wanting to write the book at the first place. I wanted to show people how to find your own “travel tribe” and what kind of amazing information you can find from Instagram if you just know how to search. Instagram changed the way I plan my travels, I hope it will do the same for you.
Fodor’s Follow Favorite
I was very humbled that Fodor’s travel site featured my upcoming book a few weeks ago and named my
Skimbaco account on Instagram as Fodor’s follow favorite. Here are the bigger versions of the photos they featured with the locations where I took them.

Check out lots of more
pictures from our VIP tour of the Vatican in my video on YouTube.

Get my
Swedish semla recipe here, these sweet cardamon bun with shipped cream and almond paste are amazing.

This time we have lived in Sweden has truly been amazing. I traveled in 12 countries last year, and can’t wait to write more about my travels once my book is published.
Skimbaco Travel travel bloggers unite on Instagram
And there is more…
Our entire Skimbaco Team travels all the time and while we all have our own Instagram accounts for personal travel photos, we just recently teamed for a joint account. Now you can see travel photos from all of the travel bloggers in our team on
SkimbacoTravel account on Instagram.

This week Wes is traveling in Spain (
Wes_Holland on Instagram) and Adrienne in France (
therichlifeonabudget on Instagram) and I highly recommend checking their travel photos out.
Here are the latest photos from SkimbacoTravel account. With team members traveling all the time and living in places like Norway, North Carolina, California, New York City and English countryside, you will truly get photos from all around the world.
Are you on Instagram?
Share your favorite Instagram travel accounts here and leave a link to YOUR Instagram account so we can all get connected!