Instagram Travel with me to Paris

Make dreams to Reality and travel to Paris

Travel to Paris with me at Instagram

I’m making one of my dreams into reality right now! I’m going to Paris, and I’d like to invite you to virtually travel with me on Instagram! The past week I have been asking great suggestions from Skimbaco’s Facebook friends what to do in Paris and got some great suggestions, and Skimbaco trenspotters on Pinterest have been collecting great tips what to do in Paris as well on our Paris board, and I admit – I need all of these tips, because this will be my first time in Paris! Why don’t you JOIN ME and follow me on Instagram? I’m Skimbaco on Instagram and will be posting pictures from my trip each day. I will do a quick stop at the Paris Fashion Week, stay at the gorgeous 5 star Hotel Montalembert Paris, eat croissants and hope to follow as many of the following Paris travel tips as I can. 1. Shop for mustard at Maille shop on Rue de Madeleine in Paris says our own Adrienne in her blog The Rich Life (on a budget). 2. Eat Peach Melba says Molly Campbell. 3. Go to Le Marché aux Puces flea markets, wander through the stalls for hours. Then go to Marais for falafel and a wander though St Germaine recommends Julia Beck from Forty Weeks. 4. See Sacre Coeur was another popular suggestion. 5. Add your own tip in the comments!! photo: Leigh Hines

Latest Travel photos on Instagram

You can also see my latest travel photosfrom Paris on Instagram here:

Skimbaco Lifestyle

Skimbaco Lifestyle is for nomadic trailblazers, fearless founders, rebel leaders and people who live life to the fullest.