Travel: Finding My Inner Peace in Mexico

inner-peace-mexico We are used to constantly be ”effective” and on a rush. Once in a while perfection is to escape the everyday life, and take your time to enjoy to little things in life. No harm traveling far away of the everyday surroundings and for a week, forget your to-do list. Enjoy company of your closed ones, the sun and the feeling of not having to fulfill any responsibilities at the moment. This was my recent trip to Playa del Carmen in Mexico. The main purpose of our trip was to escape the everyday life and endless darkness of the winter in Finland, where I come from. Catch some vitamin D from the sun, just take it easy. Playa del Carmen beach in Mexico Relaxing in Mexico in Playa del Carmen Playa del Carmen, Mexico. One of those places that leaves you want to go back and explore more. Endless white sand beaches, mild wind and palm trees, and laid back attitude comes first in mind when reliving the memories. Delicious fresh guacamole and colorful fresh fruit, of course. Playa del Carmen resort breakfast


Playa del Carmen was perfect for relaxing and taking it easy. However, as my family is as active as I am, we wanted to get out of the resort as well. Chichen Itza, one of the new seven world wonders, was a must see. The Chichen Itza is a Mayan City on the Yucatan Peninsula, between Valladolid and Merida. It was established before the period of Christopher Columbus and served as the religious center of Yucatan for a while. Loving history, I found it fascinating to explore this ancient Mayan village and learn more of this mystic and intelligent tribe.

IMG_0879_1024    On our way to Chichen Itza, we made a swim stop at a cenote. The cenote was huge, 130 deep feet.  It was amazingly refreshing to hop to fresh and clear water after a sweaty drive. cenote On our way back we drove through an atmospheric town with colorful building and happy people on the streets. This was the authentic kind of Mexico which I definitely want to explore more. Next time, I will pack my pack back and discover the authentic Mexican villages and people. IMG_1480_1024 IMG_1595_1024 This time – I found my inner peace from relaxing on the beach. IMG_1492

Skimbaco Lifestyle

Skimbaco Lifestyle is for nomadic trailblazers, fearless founders, rebel leaders and people who live life to the fullest.