The school year in England is almost over for the year and it’s time to start thinking about summer plans. And of course there are the dreams, and then the not-always-so-sunny reality, which can still be fun. Either way, one needs to be well prepared. My latest summer inspirations come from the outdoor-focused Country First Direct shop, which is great for kitting out for outdoor activities and sports.
The main themes I am thinking of for the summer are hiking, sports and picnics out in the nature. The latter one is the dream one – a warm sunny day in a flower meadow, overlooking the castle ruins and enjoying soulful melodies. Surprisingly, this dreams originates from an actual memory from years ago when we visited the lovely
Bodiam Castle. Oh, if I only I could have that kind of dream day and add watching some medieval jousting to it too!

Pictured above: Joules Picnic Basket and Joules Picnic Rug plus one of my favourite National Trust destinations:
Scotney Castle in Kent

Ever since we’ve spotted beautiful horses grazing in fields and meadows, my youngest daughter has been asking for riding lessons, so some jodhpurs and riding boots just might become the hot ticket items of the season.
Because the English seasons include a good amount of rain and wind (especially neat the coastal areas) I have learned the lesson of dressing appropriately for the weather. And nothing is more quintessentially English than a pair of Hunter’s – there are lots of fabulous colors to pick from aside the traditional moss green ones. And for the children I would pick the glow-in-the-dark ones.
Another British style icon I have longed for is a quilted Barbour jacket, which is both warm and stylish. And lets add one must-have item to the hiking equipment even on short trips – a simple survival kit in case something happens. And for that purpose Hunter has the perfect little kit for sale. So sun, wind and rain conditions noted in the plans – now it’s time to enjoy the summer no matter what the weather!

Pictured above:
Hunter Original Wellies in violet,
Barbour Cavarly Polarguilt Jacket,
Kids Hunter Glow in the Dark Wellies (a guaranteed success for school use also), fun, but oh so useful
Hunter Survival Kit and
Mac in a Sac Girls Packaway Jacket. (All sold by
Country First Direct )