Today I would love to invite you to watch our Skimbaco video – it’s a short story what our brand is all about and I would love that if you like it, you’d share it with others!
I believe everyone has their own “skimbaco” and my own personal skimbaco has changed many times in the past 6 years. In 2007 the header of Skimbaco Lifestyle said “from skiing in CO to shopping in NYC” to more reflect the lifestyle and maybe I predicted our move, because in 2008 our family packed our belongings and moved from Colorado to New York. In 2011 our family moved again, this time from New York to Sweden.
I LIVE and breathe Skimbaco lifestyle of enjoying life in the moment, and finding that there is something to enjoy anywhere in the world. I have lived this way for years before Skimbaco was born, and maybe for a few years Skimbaco actually slowed down my personal journey and travels, but now I feel I have found the balance between my personal life and my passion for inspiring others to enjoy life too.
See, spreading my message is kind of addictive. It feels absolutely amazing when I see other people inspired to explore their own hometowns like a tourist, or take new adventures they thought they’d never do or start their own businesses to pursue their passions. I’m thankful for all of the support I have gotten over the years. Overwhelming amount of support. Thank you. Yet the best kind of success to me isn’t when you, my community, have been pushing me to reach new highs, but the real success to me has been seeing so many of you to succeed, fulfill your dreams, enjoy your lives and travel to places you thought you’d never go, literally and metaphorically.
Let’s keep the Skimbaco momentum going, and share the joy of living life to the fullest with others too.
Share your #skimbaco moments on Instagram using our hashtag, subscribe to our content via email and to my personal newsletter.

Skimbaco – zero Google results in 2006
I literally wanted to have something of my own that resulted in zero Google results in 2006. Today I know – all of the Google results for Skimbaco are result of my work. Skimbaco. It’s a very odd word that I made up. And no, it didn’t even occur to me at the time that people would think it’s skim bacon, or that most people would pronounce it differently that what I had in mind. I wanted to create something new, something that would be beyond the brand of “enjoying life” or “living the good life” or “carpe diem.” The brand was born in 2006 and in February 2007 started as an online store selling children’s clothing and on June 13, 2007 I published the very first post here at the Skimbaco Lifestyle. That was 6 years ago.