Share Your Holiday Magic with Us

Share your Holiday photos with #skimbacoholidays on Instagram to be featured @skimbaco

Share your Holiday pictures & be featured

Happy Thanksgiving!! Happy Hanukkah! This year we would like to invite you to share your Holiday photos with us and we would like to feature how YOU celebrate the season and how the Holiday season looks where you live and travel. Please tag your Holiday time photos on Instagram with #skimbacoholidays. We will be featuring some of your photos here at the online magazine, on our Pinterest boards and of course on Instagram as well! I personally will be doing #followfriday recommendations throughout the Holiday season from my @skimbaco Instagram account. Today many of our IGTT-hostesses are taking a day off from posting our Thursday-regular feature Instagram Travel Thursday and enjoying the Holidays with family and friends. Many of our regular contributors are expats like me, and figuring out how to celebrate the Holidays in a country not our own. Some of our team members are traveling, like Leigh (@hinessightblog) is spending the turkey-day with Mickey Mouse in the Walt Disney World.

Disney magic via Instagram photos by http://instagram.com/hinessightblog Photo: @hinessightblog

While Leigh visits Norway in Epcot, Satu is in Norway, in the real wonderland. She is living in the real scenes of Disney’s Frozen movie, you can see her scenic photos from Norway on Instagram @todestinationunknown, and she also gives you tips how to plan your own trip to Norway to let kids feel like they are in the Disney’s Frozen-movie.

Norway photos on Instagram http://instagram.com/todestinationunknown Photo: @todestinationunknown

Reeta @houseofanais on the other hand literally already feels frozen in the breezy England weather, and she has already kicked off the Holiday season by enjoying some mulled wine, and mince pie. holiday pictures from England via http://www.houseofanais.com/december-travel-bucket-list-on-igtravelthursday/ Reeta also wrote a Holiday time bucket list of things she wanted to do this Holiday season in England. I can’t wait to see her Christmas time photos from London! Truth to be told, Disney is not needed for creating Holiday magic, and you don’t even have to write down a bucket list of things you want to experience this Holiday season. However, this is the time of the year to spread some sunshine, and share your joys. We are all different, many of us celebrate different Holidays, and in different countries around the world. What unites all of us Skimbacoers is our dedication to living life to the fullest and enjoying each moment. Share what makes YOU feel you live life to the fullest this Holiday season! Please share all of your Holiday photos, we will be featuring them here at skimbacolifestyle.com and on our Pinterest boards and at @skimbacoers Instagram account. We would love to spend this Holiday season with you!


The latest photos are here, add your own with #skimbacoholidays tag on Instagram and it will automatically appear here!

Join the Instagram Travel Thursday Linky

Join us! Bloggers – add your blog post to the linky. Not a blogger? No problem. Join us at Instagram by using hashtag #igtravelthursday and share your travel photos. But sorry- no linking to Instagram images from the linky, just to blog posts. Get email sent to you when the Instagram Travel Thursday linky post is up (subscribe it here) and add your Instagram profile link in the Instagram Travel Thursday page and follow other travelers who have left their links there as well. instagram-travel-linky-rules My mission is to inspire you to live life to the fullest and find your own “skimbaco,” how you enjoy life where ever you are in the moment. For ideas for travel, home, food and fashion, subscribe to weekly Skimbaco Lifestyle feed on Mondays and I hope you get my newsletter as well that I sent out sometimes on Fridays.

Skimbaco Lifestyle

Skimbaco Lifestyle is for nomadic trailblazers, fearless founders, rebel leaders and people who live life to the fullest.