One of the greatest perks about living in the very northern corner of Europe, in Norway, is snow. Mind you, snow and the below-freezing temperatures do come with their drawbacks too, but white Christmas is something I wouldn’t easily trade. As Christmas is just around the corner, I wanted to share with you how the Christmas period over here looks like. This year it has been anything and everything from the traditional Christmas markets to world’s largest gingerbread city. And simply enjoying the snow. We have plenty of it!
As it’s only one week to go to Christmas eve I don’t think it is too early to wish you a Merry, Happy Christmas, or as we say in Norway, God Jul!
Remember to tag your holiday photos in Instagram with #skimbacoholidays, below is my favourite moment from last year. Skiing with Santa Claus. What could beat that!? See more from Norwegian Christmas in Instagram at @todestinationunknown.
Christmas Markets Norwegian Way
Christmas markets start popping up towards the end of November. The best word I found to describe them is “cozy”. They might lack in the gluhwein infused merry spirit of German-style markets, but instead, they have kind of a calm, warm feeling about them. My favourite one is the Christmas Market in Maihaugen, an outdoor museum in Lillehammer, the host of the 1994 Winter Olympics. The Market is spread around the grounds of the museum amongst and in the historical buildings. Handmade crafts, warm waffles and activities for children are the main attraction for the two-day market which is always busy.

World’s Largest Gingerbread City
Gingerbread City was born in Bergen, Norway’s 2nd largest city in 1991 and now it makes it appearance every Christmas time. The best bit for me is that this miniature Bergen is compiled of gingerbread houses, churches, boats and what not made by Bergen’s kindergartens and schools. In some of the creations you can even see the faces of the kids who made it in little flags. This year the city exists in Bergen city centre, at the DNB bank hall from November 23ed to December 31st.

Snow, Snow, Snow
Enough said. White Christmas requires bit of snow. And snow we have!