This post also available in our e-magazine Issue 3, page 30.
There is just something about North Carolina beaches that evokes a feeling of tradition. Their beauty remains timeless. Sure, modern development has encroached on the coastline somewhat throughout the years, but for the most part Carolina’s beaches have remained unchanged.
Usually families pick a certain beach they go to each year, and continue going to that destination year after year. North Carolina families don’t tend to switch beach destinations, either, unless it’s for a short weekend. Typically, multi-generational families rent the same beach home year after year, and tradition sets the stage.

North Carolina’s coastline has few highrises and even fewer larger hotels. The Carolina coastline is about playing on the beach from sunup to sundown, boiling shrimp in your rental, and bicycling to the local ice cream shop after dinner.

On one of your nights of vacation, you have a challenging game of family putt-putt. Topsail Beach is one of the islands that seem to let time stand still. The local church runs a youth group all summer to give the teens coming to the island something to do. The local book store and coffee shop has given it a modern edge now with free WiFi and a wine bar at night. But overall, it is still like a beach of yesteryear filled with good, family fun. It’s a place where memories are made.
North Carolina has approximately 300 miles of beautiful coastline for families to enjoy.

This post also available in our newest e-magazine issue: Coastal Family Summer.
Editor’s Note: Leigh and her husband’s family have been vacationing at Topsail Beach, North Carolina, for over a decade. Follow Leigh on Instagram this summer as she continues this family tradition in June.

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