I have Big Rich Money news.
I wrote the book Big Rich Money: How To Turn Your Business Intentions Into A Profitable Company together with my business partner Candice Kilpatrick Brathwaite, and the book will come out on August 9, 2021!
Check out the cover and get our Insider Brief to get notified when the book is out.
This must be the most thrilling blog update ever. Our book is now available for you to order at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Target!

The past year has been intense in the entrepreneur community. People have lost their businesses. People lost their jobs, so they started their businesses. Some businesses are thriving thanks to increased online shopping or virtual learning. It’s a thrilling rollercoaster for many, and we felt our calling and launched Insider Society, a success accelerator and a community for womxn entrepreneurs.
Candice and I have a combined 20+ years of consulting, content marketing, and digital marketing strategy experience. We realized we have so much knowledge we simply just want to pass it on to others. And while doing so, we want to scale our business with e-courses and books and create a much smarter business model for us than just consulting.
I am so excited because this is all starting to come together, and we’ve been only working on it for a few months! Guess what is even more exciting? Realizing that other people are excited too.
Candice lives in New York City, and while I used to call New York home, I currently live in Helsinki, Finland. When the first draft of the Big Rich Money book was done, I asked a few Finnish businesswomen whom I respect to read it and give their honest feedback. We got so many positive reviews that I decided to translate the book into my native language Finnish.
I just got the Finnish first draft done in late March. We are self-publishing the original book in English, but I decided to send the Finnish version to four publishers here in Finland.
Less than 24 hours of me sending the .PDF of our book to the publishers my phone rang. It was a publisher who is interested in publishing our book!!!
A few hours later I received an email.
This was not just one, but two interested publishers within 24 hours of sending the draft. When the second email arrived, I started crying happy tears. A week later, a third publisher contacted back too. This is the first book I’ve ever sent to publishers, but I am told that this never happens.
Honestly, there have been days that I am not sure if the book is good enough, but then on other days, I am so proud of it because it is the book that I wished I had had when I started my first company. Even now when we are building Insider Society, Candice and I keep saying to each other “we got this, all we have to do is to follow our own advice from the book”.
Do you ever feel the same way? You know what to do, but it’s just having the guts to go for it. That’s why having biz BFFs is so important, someone reminding you that you got this. And that’s why we also emphasize that write down your business vision, plan, ideas, strategies. Don’t just try to swing it. Plan your success.
That’s what we are doing right now, planning how Big Rich Money will become a success. Our vision is to help womxn entrepreneurs to accelerate their business success and have financial freedom.
Are you a business owner, founder, CEO or dreaming of your first business? Let’s connect!
Sign up for our Insider Brief, because you will not want to miss the Big Rich Money train!