Yes, and the Big Rich Money book and the Big Rich Money e-course teach you how to learn to mimic the marketing done by the largest brands in the world – while making it look authentically like you. Here is just one of the examples of what you will learn, get the book, and take the e-course to learn more!
The scoop:
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Coca-Cola’s sales fall 28% during the first half of 2020, but they reported net revenues grew 42% in Q2 2021, per an earnings report (via Marketing Dive), after a dip down during the pandemic. The company doubled its marketing spend year-over-year in the quarter and they announced that their three priorities for marketing investment are increasing consumer-facing marketing spend toward 2019 levels, improving quality of spend and allocating spend in a more targeted manner.Coca-Cola is one of the most recognizable brands in the world. Right on the top with brands like Apple, Google, Facebook, and Nike. In reality, it means that you could go anywhere in the world, ask a person about Coca-Cola, and not just that they would know what Cola-Cola is, but they can also probably tell you where is the closest place to buy a Coke, and even estimate how much it would cost. That’s like the marketer’s dream, right? That everyone knows your brand and where to buy your product! But even if close to everyone in the world knows what Cola-Cola is, they still need to spend money on marketing. They even doubled their marketing spend, just this year. Coca-Cola is one of the most recognizable brands because they spend ridiculous amounts of money on marketing. When something happens in the marketplace/world (like no sporting events, stadium concerts, or restaurant dining), even Coca-Cola with a loyal customer base feels it in their decreasing sales numbers. Coca-Cola was founded in 1892, and they still keep going, growing and marketing. Even Coca-Cola had to do drastic changes in their product offering and the way they do marketing in 2021.
What does Coca-Cola have to do with entrepreneurs?
If the most recognizable brands in the world still need to do marketing, so do you. Most likely, you are not marketing yourself enough, and maybe you even think “everyone has already heard me say that”. In reality, people need to hear your marketing message multiple times before they even consider purchasing from you. Even when they know about your product, and want to buy it, but if they don’t know how to buy it and where they might not take extra steps to find out. You need to make buying your product easy for your customers. Coca-Cola is where its customers are. In big events, restaurants, fast corner stores, and big-box grocery stores. They are everywhere. Marketing your product is not enough, you need to make sure your customer can buy your product where it’s convenient for them. Even if you only sell from your own site, you need to make purchasing hassle-free and finding the purchasing link easy. Know who your customers are so you can target your marketing efforts well. Don’t waste time or money doing marketing that doesn’t get you results. That’s why setting goals, and knowing how to track them is essential.You don’t have Coca-Cola’s marketing budget – but you can do marketing the Big Rich Money way
There are lots of small business and marketing courses online, and many offer fast hacks by gurus who have done great on their own business and want to teach how they did it. This is also how my co-author Candice Kilpatrick Brathwaite and I started consulting over 13 years ago too (my big break was after the product from my store went viral after Suri Cruise’s shoes from my store were featured on Oprah show). We have helped companies with specific goals like how to work with influencers, grow an online presence, go viral, or double sales. I have worked with big brands like Walmart, CoverGirl, Colgate and Hershey’s. We now have over 20 years of combined consulting experience working with multiple companies in the USA and Europe, and we have run a consulting business, online media company, and an online store. We identified the most common mistakes businesses make, and the contributing success factors. We copied some of the marketing strategies and tactics that large brands do, and we have successfully helped small businesses to grow their brands using the same ways – just with significantly smaller budgets. We created the Big Rich Money as a solution for those who want to be in charge of their success. This is like running your small business in a way like you are a big brand and having consultants, but not having to pay for the high ticket prices. With Big Rich Money you get to take all of the credit for actually doing the work yourself. We just guide you through step-by-step.Your Business goals, achieved.
Big Rich Money: How To Turn Your Business Intentions Into A Profitable Company is available on Amazon. The book is also available in Finnish Big Rich Money – Miten tehdä yrittäjän unelmista kannattavaa liiketoimintaa.
The Big Rich Money e-course is open for enrollment. Make sure to sign up now!