Wordless Wednesday

Bye bye ski season! Purgatory closed on Sunday, and now we’ll need to wait ’til December for the fun to begin again.

I’m afraid of hights and using the ski lift with three kids was a huge accomplishment for me this winter.

More Wordless Wednesday
  1. That is SUCH a beautiful picture, Katja! I’m not afraid of heights, but there are some ski lifts that scare me, especially when the lift stops and you’re swinging in mid-air. Ugh.

    Goodbye, ski season! Summer, please come soon!!

    Jane, Pinks & Blues

  2. Brr that looks cold. I don’t ski though and it doesn’t “really” snow here, so its all good.

  3. I still remember when I was a teen I was on a ski lift.. and at the end of it pushed myself in order to slide off the lift onto the ramp. and well I pushed to early.. and fell about 15 feet into a net… it was awful!

    the funniest thing though was seconds before falling I was talking to my friends in the lift and said “why would they put a net there?” haha

  4. Heips! Meillä pojat 4v ja 6v olivat tänä talvena lomalla ekaa kertaa rinteessä. Ja kovasti innostuivat, vanhempi varsinkin! Tänä vuonna tyydyin juoksemaan vieressä, ens vuonna päästään varmasti koko perhe suksille : )) Toivottavasti saadaan lakeuksille kunnon talvi, että lähellä olevat nyppylät saadaan kunnolla auki.
    Sanna A

  5. What a breathtaking view! And what an accomplishment for someone who’s afraid of heights – good for you. :)

    Happy WW!

  6. Wow, what a picture! We don’t ski, so you’re really ahead of me on this! LOL

  7. brrrrrrr….

    Our grass is getting green here. I forgot for a moment what cold looks like.lol

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