A wonderful post about Twitter by Melanie Notkin. Follow me at Twitter – and I will follow you!
Many of my Facebook Friends have wondered why I am always Twittering in my statuses, some going as far as to think I should only Twitter in private! So here is a little ditty about Twitty and why I am a huge advocate of it.
Twitter is a social media application that enables people to blog in less than 140 characters. Ok – in plain English – Twitter is like an Facebook Status that goes everywhere. When I Twitter, my Tweets (as they are called) are automatically set to be published as an Facebook Status as well. But more than just my Facebook Friends see my Tweets. All of my Twitter Friends (my Twitter Peeps or my Twitterati) see it too. They see it through Twitter.com, a desktop Twitter application, or a Reader like Netvibes (my go-to reader).
I have a couple dozen “Followers” to my Tweets, and growing. These are mostly people I don’t know or have never met, and some of from countries I have never visited. Some are Social Media gurus (like Jeremiah Owyang and the master Guy Kawasaki, not to mention Deb Schultz and Stephanie Agresta.) I also follow BizNickman – the unofficial Facebook blogger, and Scobleizer who is a FastCompany technology blogger and the most popular guy on Twitter.)
The amazing thing about all this – these guys and gals follow me too! So while I gain insight – and access – to the literal up-to-the-minute information I need to know to help my business be cutting edge, they are following me and learning more and more about SavvyAuntie – the biz I am launching in a few weeks.
Here’s a true-life Twitter success story: I Follow Guy Kawasaki. Actually – on Twitter, he is known to me as @guykawasaki. Well, Guy Twittered a couple of days ago about looking for Daddy Bloggers to add to his centralized list of Top Bloggers at his newly launched AllTop.com. I contacted Guy directly through Twitter about whether he would be interested in a Blog about Aunties (My Editor’s Letter on SavvyAuntie.com is a blog) and he responded! Guy Kawasaki responded to me! Yep – big deal in my life. I have read Guy’s books and subscribe to his blog. So you can imagine…. And if Guy publishes my SavvyAuntie.com blog to his AllTop site, more people will be able to find SavvyAuntie.com.
Twitter has made my new media heroes accessible to me – and me accessible to them. This is important for any entrepreneur looking to get noticed in online media community. And I learn so much from their 140 characters, it’s remarkable.
But Twitter also enables lay people to get to know me – and SavvyAuntie.com too. Google and Twitter love each other. Go ahead – Google “SavvyAuntie” right now and see how Twitter is all over page one of the results. See? Twitter raises my search results.
I don’t just follow Social Media people either. @OnBreakingNews told me about Eliot Spitzer first. @BBCnews told me that Heather got 24million pounds for her divorce from Paul, and @Consumerist posted this little article about the KoolAid man.
So sure, Twitter helps me connect with old Friends, new “Friends,” the Social Media world I now live in, gurus, news and a little bit of nonsense. But it also enables me to grow and strengthen SavvyAuntie.com.
So thanks @guykawasaki, @jowyang, @Brett, @jasoncalacanis, @gregarious, @debs, @stephagresta, @Scobleizer, @skydiver, @skimbaco, @shelisrael, @MeHeatherD, @adamhirsch, all the others and all of my loyal Followers. :-)
If you decide to join Twitter, please Follow me: Twitter.com/SavvyAuntie and I will Follow you. Looking forward to hearing what you have to say in 140 characters or less. :-) C’mon everybody – get Twittering!
Feel free to add your comments or questions!
Melanie Notkin
Founder, SavvyAuntie.com
Melanie Notkin is the president of Melanie Notkin Media, Inc. and SavvyAuntie.com Inc – the first online destination and community for Aunts. She is a former interactive marketing and communications executive for global Fortune 500 companies, including New York Times Digital, American Express and L’Oréal.
When Melanie first became an Auntie in 2001, she found herself concerned by the lack of resources for modern Aunts. Realizing the size and understanding the needs of the market of women like herself, she plans to launch SavvyAuntie.com in early 2008.
She is a Savvy Auntie to six children. Melanie resides in New York where she is surrounded by the very best the city has to offer.
Katja’s note: find me at Twitter.com/skimbaco and find me from Facebook too – it’s easy, I’m the only Katja Presnal out there.
Read Geek Mommy – she makes some great points about Twittering too!
Many of my Facebook Friends have wondered why I am always Twittering in my statuses, some going as far as to think I should only Twitter in private! So here is a little ditty about Twitty and why I am a huge advocate of it.
Twitter is a social media application that enables people to blog in less than 140 characters. Ok – in plain English – Twitter is like an Facebook Status that goes everywhere. When I Twitter, my Tweets (as they are called) are automatically set to be published as an Facebook Status as well. But more than just my Facebook Friends see my Tweets. All of my Twitter Friends (my Twitter Peeps or my Twitterati) see it too. They see it through Twitter.com, a desktop Twitter application, or a Reader like Netvibes (my go-to reader).
I have a couple dozen “Followers” to my Tweets, and growing. These are mostly people I don’t know or have never met, and some of from countries I have never visited. Some are Social Media gurus (like Jeremiah Owyang and the master Guy Kawasaki, not to mention Deb Schultz and Stephanie Agresta.) I also follow BizNickman – the unofficial Facebook blogger, and Scobleizer who is a FastCompany technology blogger and the most popular guy on Twitter.)
The amazing thing about all this – these guys and gals follow me too! So while I gain insight – and access – to the literal up-to-the-minute information I need to know to help my business be cutting edge, they are following me and learning more and more about SavvyAuntie – the biz I am launching in a few weeks.
Here’s a true-life Twitter success story: I Follow Guy Kawasaki. Actually – on Twitter, he is known to me as @guykawasaki. Well, Guy Twittered a couple of days ago about looking for Daddy Bloggers to add to his centralized list of Top Bloggers at his newly launched AllTop.com. I contacted Guy directly through Twitter about whether he would be interested in a Blog about Aunties (My Editor’s Letter on SavvyAuntie.com is a blog) and he responded! Guy Kawasaki responded to me! Yep – big deal in my life. I have read Guy’s books and subscribe to his blog. So you can imagine…. And if Guy publishes my SavvyAuntie.com blog to his AllTop site, more people will be able to find SavvyAuntie.com.
Twitter has made my new media heroes accessible to me – and me accessible to them. This is important for any entrepreneur looking to get noticed in online media community. And I learn so much from their 140 characters, it’s remarkable.
But Twitter also enables lay people to get to know me – and SavvyAuntie.com too. Google and Twitter love each other. Go ahead – Google “SavvyAuntie” right now and see how Twitter is all over page one of the results. See? Twitter raises my search results.
I don’t just follow Social Media people either. @OnBreakingNews told me about Eliot Spitzer first. @BBCnews told me that Heather got 24million pounds for her divorce from Paul, and @Consumerist posted this little article about the KoolAid man.
So sure, Twitter helps me connect with old Friends, new “Friends,” the Social Media world I now live in, gurus, news and a little bit of nonsense. But it also enables me to grow and strengthen SavvyAuntie.com.
So thanks @guykawasaki, @jowyang, @Brett, @jasoncalacanis, @gregarious, @debs, @stephagresta, @Scobleizer, @skydiver, @skimbaco, @shelisrael, @MeHeatherD, @adamhirsch, all the others and all of my loyal Followers. :-)
If you decide to join Twitter, please Follow me: Twitter.com/SavvyAuntie and I will Follow you. Looking forward to hearing what you have to say in 140 characters or less. :-) C’mon everybody – get Twittering!
Feel free to add your comments or questions!
Melanie Notkin
Founder, SavvyAuntie.com

When Melanie first became an Auntie in 2001, she found herself concerned by the lack of resources for modern Aunts. Realizing the size and understanding the needs of the market of women like herself, she plans to launch SavvyAuntie.com in early 2008.
She is a Savvy Auntie to six children. Melanie resides in New York where she is surrounded by the very best the city has to offer.
Katja’s note: find me at Twitter.com/skimbaco and find me from Facebook too – it’s easy, I’m the only Katja Presnal out there.
Read Geek Mommy – she makes some great points about Twittering too!