I have been so sick this past week, and when Matt came home from a night shift this morning, I said I needed to see a doc ASAP. My cold has gotten really bad, and I just generally feel so sick and tired that I haven’t even washed my hair since Tuesday. Taking Gaby to school and two other kids to see a pediatrician was challenging enough yesterday.
We drove to the emergency room.
The doctor listens to my lungs and takes all the vitals and we chat for a while, and his diagnosis is bronchitis. He takes off from the room, says he will prescribe antibiotics, and come back soon. He comes back to the room, and asks if I could be pregnant, my heartbeat is awfully fast and all the things just don’t make sense.
NO! I answer, I just had the IUD taken out two weeks ago, and unless I got pregnant by Holy Spirit after that, no way I could be pregnant. Oh wait, my period is late… I’ve been just waiting for my period, so I could start eating the birth control pills.
So they do some blood tests, and “the pregnancy test was positive” was not what I expected to hear.
But it does explain why I feel like crap, well, combined with the bronchitis of course.
Yup. I’m pregnant.
So in February I wrote about my
birth control hell with my IUD – how I felt like I got pregnant with it, and then get super heavy and painful periods. I had my appointment to have the IUD removed on March 17, when I of course mentioned all these pregnancy symptoms, including swollen and tender breasts to my doctor. She said to drink less coffee, “you can’t get pregnant with the IUD”. What?
Coffee made my boobs big? Ok, I guess it made sense, I do drink a lot of coffee.
After having the IUD removed I have been totally freaked out about the idea of getting pregnant. I told my dear husband that we needed to wait until I have been eating the pills for a few weeks, before there was going to be any action in the bedroom. You are supposed to wait the first day of your period to start eating the pills. Well dammit, that never happened, I was pregnant already the day when the IUD was taken out!
We are still in shock, but the tears in my husband’s eyes when he heard the news just made me know for sure, we are gonna be fine, this was meant to be. The kids were in the room, so they found out right away. Isabella is so excited, Kristian isn’t as much. We went to pick up Gaby from school after that and Isabella yells from the open car window “we gonna have a baby sister or brother” before Gaby is even in the car.
Girls are already thinking of the names, (Gaby likes Bologna.. ?) but Kristian is a little worried. Probably of losing his baby status in the family. He did come to give me a hug and said “I’m
a little bit excited about the baby”.
We are all
a little bit excited.