Today was a long day, and I quite can’t go to sleep and have it over with.
Today our dog Frank went to doggy heaven.
We found out just a few weeks ago he had cancer and while we were trying to be optimistic, and think at least we can have one more summer with him, he just kept getting worse. And this past weekend we realized that soon he would be in such bad pain, and suffer, and we didn’t want him to go through that. He had difficulties drinking, he was drooling constantly and lost weight, we just knew it was time to let go.
I know it was the right thing to do. But it doesn’t make me feel any better.
Kids have taken this surprisingly well. Unbelievable wisdom from a 5-year-old: “I’m happy for Frank, he is not in pain anymore” earlier today. But tears and crying until finally falling asleep tonight.
I’m still stunned, I feel empty, a part of me missing.
No other dog will ever be the same as Frank, but someday there will be another dog in our life. I think.
I saw the above video on TV tonight – not a good timing I’d say – and started thinking that after all, we did rescue Frank from the Humane Society, and we gave him a life filled with adventure and joy. We gave him everything we could have, and people who know us, know how much we sacrificed for that goofy mutt. He had a good life.
I think there will be a day we’ll have another rescue dog. Not to replace Frank, but honor him.
There are so many homeless pets, just waiting for us to rescue them. Here are some links, how you can get connected with pets looking for a home in your area if you feel like filling an empty spot in your life.
American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Purebred Rescue at American Kennel Club