Tweetup in New York

I want to meet all my Twitter friends in New York.

Let’s get together sometime after September 15th! This blog post is to collected everyone’s info together in one spot and I would like to have date and place recommendations and try to get as many together as possible.

Leave your contact info/link and suggest a date and place.

Update: To make things easier answer following questions, I’m taking answers until August 20th or so and then we should already know a better idea what time and place is better for majority of people.

Time of the week – weekdays or weekends? Lunch or Dinner? (So far it seems like weekday evenings or weekends are the best)
Place – uptown, downtown, midtown – and feel free to leave a comment of a favorite place.
  1. I am in! Happy to help pick a place as well since I live here. Can’t wait to meet everyone. Just let me know if place needs to be kid friendly.

  2. I would love to be there. Lunchtime or weeknights (Tues or Thurs) is good for me. Any location too. I am flexible!

  3. I am so there! afternoons are best for me since I will be taking the train in. If hubby is home then he can come and take the baby around so I can have some girl time but only on the weekend. If hubby is gone then you can spot me with my skull and cross bones sling :)

    Afternoons are the best for me either way.

    I am so excited about this!!!

  4. Delurking to ask if I can join the party too!! I swear I’m sane(ish) just ask Jane!! :-)

    (kaibigan7 on twitter)

  5. I’m totally flexible anytime from mid-September on. I’ll be coming in from RI, so anywhere in NYC works for me! Uptown, Midtown, Downtown – wherever!


  6. Weeknights are preferable. Sept 29th-Oct.1st is Rosh Hashannah, but all other days work for me! Looking forward to it!

  7. Will be there! Sept 15 is exactly when I’ll be back in action after wedding. Sept 24 is Collective-E launch, so that’s the only time I can’t. Will be thinking of a good spot! There’s one on the tip of my brain…just need to remember it…

  8. I am in…weeknight dinner works best for me..sept will be super busy on weekends with photo sessions! This will be awesome!

  9. You name the day and the time and i’ll be there! ;)

    I will be at Small Business Marketing Unleashed in OH on Sept. 21-22, but other than that, my sched. is wide open. Can’t wait!

  10. I love the idea of a tweet up in NYC. I think an afternoon would work best for those of us coming in on the train for a day trip. Weekend or weekday doesn’t matter to me. We could meet at TKTS booth in Times Square. (They offer same day discount theater tickets if anyone wants to add that to the day)

  11. This is great. Weeknights are best for me since I have a day gig. Weekends too can work. Maybe we should put a soft deadline of responses so we can get a tally and then figure out the best place to meet up. I love it!

  12. You have my e-mail…

    The later in September, the better for me, since I’m due Aug 20.

    I’ll have the newborn along with though I’ll try to send the toddler off with grandparents (unless it is a toddler friendly time and location). So, weekends and earlier will be better for me…but I’d try either way.

    Midtown would be a little easier since I’ll probably come in from Westchester or Nassau.

    Depending on size of meet-up, time of day and week, and general neighborhood, I can definitely make some suggestions. Let me know when we have a better idea of size and timing and I’ll send you a list of some good spots to meet.

  13. I’m so in. Would love it. Weekdays/nights are better for me. But maybe that’s just me…Are we thinking dinner? Coffee? Drinks?

  14. Is there an idea on how many we might be? And a time that works for most? I can make some suggestions from there…

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Skimbaco Lifestyle

Skimbaco Lifestyle is for nomadic trailblazers, fearless founders, rebel leaders and people who live life to the fullest.