Loving the high ceiling & the fireplace (& the loft!)
Yes, yes. We are moving, and got the keys to the new place today.
I know, I just posted a few weeks ago that we are
not moving anywhere this summer. But as always, life had other plans for us, and we are thankfully taking it day at the time and living it to the fullest. We really had all the best intentions
not to move this summer, and actually bought new furniture, curtains, rugs, and were re-decorating our home two weeks ago. My big plan was to “make your home a spa” to reality and show the results with you in my live show last week. When we were half way through our decorating project, things got nasty. I moved a playhouse in the girls’ room and found mold on the wall. We’ve had water damage in the laundry room, living room and our son’s room, and now this (in the past ten months). And finding mold really ruins the spa-feeling, don’t ya think? So that was the reason that my video footage in my show was missing.
It was 4th of July weekend, and we pretty much spent it by driving around and looking for a new home. No fireworks, no big parties. Kids didn’t want to move away from their school district, I wanted to move closer to the city. All of the places didn’t accept dogs, and my husband was worried sick where we pull the money out for a move. Four days ago we found a perfect compromise, and we are getting the keys today. Not that we move quickly or anything.
I don’t know how we were and are able to pull this one off, but seems like many stars are lining just right and finding mold might just have been the greatest thing. My in-laws are coming for a visit from Texas today, and we are taking a three day vacation. Tomorrow we are going to see the Statue of the Liberty, Saturday is a zoo day, and Sunday we’ll see WNBA game at Madison Square Garden. Monday I might breathe again. Oh no, scratch that, then I’ll shop and pack for BlogHer, and start packing for move. Tuesday I have a business meeting and I’ll be gone most of the day and Wednesday I’ll fly to Chicago.
Somehow I am keeping this all together and I am also working on some very exciting new projects that I am able to tell you soon.