Lifetime TV Network Presents: Lifetime Moms (AND I’M ONE OF THEM!)

lifetime moms, lifetime TV network, Lifetime's mommy bloggers, Katja Presnal, lifetimemoms, lifetimemoms.com

Oops. Sorry to yell at you and right on the title! But I have been waiting to tell this exciting news to you for a while. Lifetime TV Network just launched Lifetimemoms.com. LifetimeMoms.com is an online resource for moms, by moms, offering original content from 14 bloggers, one of them… me! And the rest of the 13 – amazing women, whom I have gotten to know very well in the past six months, and some of them I’ve known for years! Lifetime Moms is a site for real moms by real moms, and the featured bloggers will be writing about content in the subjects you have already gotten to know us from. You will get the scoop on the latest fashions, get yummy recipes and get parenting tips from your favorite bloggers from one destination, Lifetimemoms.com.

lifetimemoms.com, lifetime moms, lifetimemoms

I am the Home Channel leader and writing about home decorating and everything home related at Lifetime Moms. One of my weekly features is Army Wives Home Deco. A few months ago I was thinking how all of it fit so perfectly together… Army Wives is one of the Lifetime TV Network’s most popular TV shows, and what is the thing that unites real army wives? They move every 3 years or so! Army Wives get to decorate a lot of homes, and in fact that how I personally got “trained” in interior design – by being an army wife! So every Sunday, watch Army Wives on TV and then click over at LifetimeMoms.com on Monday mornings to get home deco ideas Army Wifes style! No, not just for real army wives, but for anyone who wants inexpensive and easy decorating ideas – and for people who live in apartments or move often, just like army wives. Army Wives Home Deco is only a small part what I will be writing about, but it is one of the most exciting ones for me. I love supporting our troops and was an army wife for years. And what I am really excited about… to be in this together with these amazing women. Meet the rest of the gang and their channels: PARENTING — Christine Young and Nicole Smith FIT & HEALTHY — Arianne Segerman BEAUTY & STYLE — Audrey McClelland and Erika Lehmann PREGNANCY — Kim Dobson FOOD — Lori Falcon HOME — Katja Presnal WORK — Stephanie Elie JUST FOR FUN — Lindsay Maines and Beth Feldman STEALS & DEALS — Alyssa Francis and Tara Kuczykowski PRODUCT REVIEWS — Colleen Padilla I am beyond excited!

Skimbaco Lifestyle

Skimbaco Lifestyle is for nomadic trailblazers, fearless founders, rebel leaders and people who live life to the fullest.