Once upon a time, in a faraway land… just about anything could happen. I could find a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow or be the adored queen in a grand kingdom. I could marry the perfect prince and raise the most well-behaved, loving children in all the world! This is not a faraway land, however, and though it rains quite consistently here, I have yet to find a rainbow yielding a pot of gold! While my heart’s prayer is that my friends and family do adore me, there is certainly no kingdom full of loyal subjects. My prince, though wonderfully and completely mine, is no more perfect than I, and our offspring are a definite mix of all our imperfections. This beautifully imperfect real life fairytale is OUR LIFE and our story for the telling.
Our life is a fairytale of its own making. Most days are full of magical things like dress-up and race cars, the occasional boo-boo, and lots of snuggles and kisses. The little people in my house are excellent at making messes and keeping the excitement going. Thankfully their queen is just as talented at cleaning up and calming the masses (or is that taming the messes?). We love our adventures together as a family, whether it’s a family vacation to Disney, a day out at the mall, or a pizza-and-a-movie night at home. One will never find perfection under our roof, but there is more than enough love, action, and adventure to go around. Living life to the fullest does not always have to mean grand adventures or daring stunts. For us it simply means counting each day as the blessing it is and reveling in the togetherness, the grandness, we find in every single moment we have as a family. We have survived our own pitfalls and slain a few dragons in our time. Each day and the adventures it holds is just as important and valuable as the day before, or the day that follows. My pot of gold is the treasure I have found in being a wife and mother. As long as my family feels the same way about me, then we have lived well. Our story is what we make it, and there will be a happy ending as long as we are together!
Post by Mandy Roberson. Mandy is a mother of three, wife to her Hero, and she when she isn’t blogging at Pennies and Blessings, she is making hairbows, taking photos, reading Bible, and keeping busy with her adorable family and home. In her own words “God has entrusted me with many blessings and a bit fewer pennies, and I’m trying to do the best I can with both!” You can learn more about her in her post The Need and A New Direction.You can find Mandy at Twitter @PennyBlessings
This post is part of Blissdom Conference ticket giveaway.