Strawberry Sangria

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]This strawberry sangria is so good that I have no words. It’s sweet but not too sweet, it’s just the perfect summer drink for BBQ parties or just sitting on the back porch or backyard after dinner for a sweet end note for your dinner.

It’s refreshing, and simply the best sangria I’ve ever had. The best – you can make it fast.

Usually, sangria requires 24 hours to infuse the flavors in, but I take a few shortcuts that make this sangria ready in about an hour.

I made only half of the bowl for us, but I doubled the amounts for this recipe because it is so good, especially if you are serving this at a small party. This makes enough for 4-6 people.

If you are serving this at a party, you can prepare most of it the day before and then just mix.

But if you are in a hurry, you can make this before dinner, let sit during dinner and then serve it.


1 bottle of red wine, I used Cabernet Sauvignon
2 oranges
2 lemons
10-15 large strawberries
1 cup of Sauza silver tequila
3/4 – 1 cup of sugar
1 cup of water
1 cup of orange juice
3-5 cups Sierra Mist or other lemonade soda

1. Slice 5 strawberries and mix with the tequila in a small pitcher.
2. Mix the water, orange juice and sugar in a small pot and warm on a stove until the sugar is dissolved. Let cool down.
3. Slice the oranges and lemons and mix with the red wine in a large pitcher.
4. Slice 5-10 additional strawberries and freeze them.
4. Let all three mixtures sit in a fridge at least an hour or even 24 hours separately.
5. Remove the orange and lemon slices from the red wine mixture, add orange juice mixture, add the tequila with strawberries and add the frozen strawberries and ice in a large bowl or pitcher. Add Sierra Mist to the taste, start with 3 cups. Garnish with orange slices.



Skimbaco Lifestyle

Skimbaco Lifestyle is for nomadic trailblazers, fearless founders, rebel leaders and people who live life to the fullest.