
A moment in my life… As I drove away from JFK trying to blink my eyes as fast as I could so I could see the traffic signs from my tears, and pretend for the children’s sake that I wasn’t crying, I couldn’t help by thinking my life once again felt like a movie scene from a Nicholas Sparks novel made into a movie. We said our goodbyes to my husband at the airport as he already headed to Sweden, and the reality of the entire move hit all of us. We are really doing this. We are really moving to Sweden, and little by little, every uncertain thing about this move is revealing an answer and showing green light for go. I don’t know which one made me want to cry more, the thought of not seeing my husband for a few weeks, or the sound and sight of our children crying on the backseat. Nomadic life with children can be easy but yesterday was not one of the easiest days. Ever since we talked to kids about the possibility of moving to Sweden they have been adjusting to the idea and getting ready, packing and talking about the move, and I’ve thought how ready they are and I’ve been so proud of them. But yesterday I realized, we still have a lot to do. We have been preparing without really letting go of the everyday life here. And we can’t not truly leave until we have let go. One thing we did to start taking steps away from life here. We didn’t take kids to school on Friday, and wanted to spend the day together as a family. You have to understand; you can not pull off this kind of move if the family unit isn’t solid, if we are not there for each others and if we are not doing this together. While we have been busy managing the move, we have also been very strict about keeping the family dinners going, spending relaxing time together, and talking about everything else in life too than just about Sweden and this move. I like to think this nomadic lifestyle has actually made our family unit tighter than most families are. We are used to not having a support group around us and just leaning on each others. And having our family unit break with my husband already leaving for Sweden was tougher than I had expected. We, too, might have to say farewell to New York and our life in the US sooner than I thought of and this slow transition might not be working for us and we might just have to jump to it, like ripping a bandage off fast, it hurts like hell first, but then it’s done. Farewells are tough, but I’m taking every moment in and imprinting them in my heart, because life’s good moments would never feel so good if there weren’t moments like this.
  1. That is a beautiful picture Katja! And I agree, your family has to be 100% united together for this move to be successful. And I believe your family is. You know this truth: the people make the home, no matter where that home is located.

  2. Awww that picture is priceless and it has so many words. I can imagine it will be hard for you guys in the next few weeks but I’m positive you and your family will do so well in Sweden. XOXO

  3. I can only imagine how hard leaving the AirPort was. But this step and the move are such a gift that you are able to give to yourselves.

  4. Moving is never easy. My husband is in the military so we move every couple of years. We’ve done a move to Hawaii and are now looking to make a move to Europe in the next few years before he retires from the military. We want to experience the culture and difference in lifestyle that Europe has to offer. It’s very exciting to think about and yet daunting at the same time. You all seem to be tackling this move in such a wonderful way by staying connected and close through the process. You will need one another as you navigate your new home and life. Best of luck to you!

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Skimbaco Lifestyle

Skimbaco Lifestyle is for nomadic trailblazers, fearless founders, rebel leaders and people who live life to the fullest.