Happy Monday! How was your weekend? Last week I recommended 10 small ways to enjoy spring in the Mondays’ Live a Little, a weekly blog hop series of inspiring you to live life to the fullest, one small step at the time. Did you do any of the tips this weekend?
Today’s tip is simple… send a postcard.
Not a text message, not an email, not a Facebook message. But a real postcard. Not even a Hallmark card with a ready written text, but a real old fashioned postcard with a stamp on it.
While traveling in Italy we’ve been seeing postcards on every tourist shop, and couldn’t resist sending a few, and boy did it feel nostalgic! In today’s busy world we are so used to sending an instant message or broadcasting the message to all of our friends and family at once, that the art of sending postcards is almost forgotten. I used to collect all of the postcards sent to me by my friends, and in fact, I still have many of them saved. Postcards from travels, and postcards that have a personal message can’t be beaten. Forget about the envelopes, forget about technology, and just this once, send a postcard. I guarantee that you will make someone’s day. Spreading happiness and sunshine – that if anything is living life to the fullest.
If old school isn’t for you, and you must do it like it’s 2012, send a Postagram postcard – use Postagram app to send a real printed photo of your Instagram photos to your friend. No handwritten note, no licking the stamp… but your friend will feel extra special and so will you for being such an awesome friend.

More Ideas How to Live a Little
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