Ciao again from Italy! We are in Monte Carlo, Monaco, as I write this, but will probably be back in Italy tomorrow by the time you read this. I am finally getting into this work-play schedule, and a hang of truly living life to the fullest while still keeping up with the blogging, and I kind of like it this way.
I might not know the most talked topic on Twitter today, and maybe I missed something important.. but mind me if I live what I write and I write what I live. I kind of want to keep it up.
Kids broke my iPhone charger a week ago, and the internet connection has been so-so in our hotel rooms during the trip, and I’ve survived. In fact, I’ve took it as a blessing, and I hope this mindset is here to stay. I feel like Europe kidnapped me from my old social media life in New York, and I’m literally having a Stockholm syndrome and loving this new life of mine, living in Sweden, traveling Europe.

I’m sending you today a dose of spring colors from Italy and inviting you to incorporate some of these colors in your spring too, in your home, or in your wardrobe – – just do it. I bought bright orange loafers and can’t wait to wear them!
I snapped most of these colorful photos on our day on the island of Burano (
see more photos from Burano here), and I’ve been loving my numerous visits to Benetton stores here, and wanted to share my photos and the Benetton spring fashion with you.

I’d like to see myself biking around Tuscany or on Milan city streets wearing these beautiful colorful clothes from
Benetton’s spring collection.

And while the fun, candy-colored bicycle ride filled days in Italy sound all great and I hope it will inspire you to get out too… the reality is that we’ve been taking the gondola-rides in Venice and seeing the leaning tower of Pisa, just like all the other tourists.. and it has been as inspiring as a shot of color to my veins.