Garden Greenhouse Perfected in Swedish Countryside

Garden greenhouse in Swedish countryside

Dreamy garden greenhouse in Swedish countryside

I admit, I am not a gardener. I love to host dinner parties in the backyard, but I am lucky that my husband is more of the green thumb than I am, and he takes care of the garden. I think I am also still trying to get used to the idea of being a home owner (after renting for ten years), and the fact that I could do anything I want with our garden. In my dream home, I would love to have a greenhouse. A greenhouse big enough to host those intimate parties during summer, and to enjoy afternoon tea on the spring time, and cozy up with lots of candles in the fall time. I found a dreamy greenhouse in Sweden, at the Country Interior’s country estate in Vikingstad, about ten minutes where we used to live. greenhouse-with-table-inside It’s not fancy, but cozy. The small farm table and chairs fit in perfectly. topiaries-in-greenhouse The table is used for some topiaries, but don’t you see an afternoon tea here as well? Perfect greenhouse in Swedish countryside The vine grows on the ceiling giving the greenhouse a perfect green roof, and you can literally look up and crab some grapes. grapes inside a greenhouse | Photo: Katja Presnal @skimbaco Of course it wouldn’t be a greenhouse without a proper potting table. Greenhouse and gardening table in Swedish countryside | Photo: Katja Presnal @skimbaco What I actually like the best about this greenhouse is that many of the flowers and plants are potted, not growing in the flower bed inside the greenhouse. Somehow it makes it seem more manageable for me, and that perhaps I could handle a greenhouse too. potted flowers | Photo: Katja Presnal @skimbaco I’ve always thought of greenhouses more for vegetables and for “serious” home farming, and that it might be above my gardening enthusiasm (well, the lack of it). However, I am totally liking the idea of having potted plants, herbs and easy growing vines in my future greenhouse. lavender-in-greenhouse Lavender and succulents – even I can keep these usually alive! Garden greenhouse and potted succulents | Photo: Katja Presnal @skimbaco Flower pots | Photo: Katja Presnal @skimbaco Lantern hanging in a greenhouse | Photo: Katja Presnal @skimbaco Gardening, flower pots | Photo: Katja Presnal @skimbaco Have you ever dreamed of a greenhouse? Do you have one?

Post by Katja Presnal

“My mission is to inspire you to live life to the fullest and find your own “skimbaco,” how you enjoy life where ever you are in the moment. For ideas for travel, home, food and fashion, subscribe to weekly Skimbaco Lifestyle feed on Mondays and I hope you get my newsletter that I send out sometimes on Fridays.” Katja Presnal, editor-in-chief and the owner of Skimbaco Lifestyle. Let’s connect! Visit Skimbaco Lifestyle (Skimbacolifestyle.com)’s profile on Pinterest. skimbaco-moments

Skimbaco Lifestyle

Skimbaco Lifestyle is for nomadic trailblazers, fearless founders, rebel leaders and people who live life to the fullest.