Going home today!

I’m going home from the hospital today! I am feeling better, I can walk, talk, and stay up for much longer now. I’m still not good, and I still just need to rest and take it easy for the next couple of weeks, but at least I can go home! I will have daily blood tests, and I will have to learn to inject myself with a medicine called Lovenox and it will be a long road to recovery. I am just taking it one day at the time, and we are re-doing our road trip plans if needed, and I might even have to cancel going to BlogHer conference in San Francisco this month. Whatever it takes. I might not have as much time to blog for the next few days, I will try to rest and organize everything for the move with the help of my in-laws who just got in town yesterday. Happy 4th of July to everyone, have a safe weekend!
  1. So happy that you’re home. Take care of YOU first. When you’re a hard worker and a great mom, that’s a tough thing to do, but without your health you can’t be either. So rest up and allow yourself to be pampered for a bit.

  2. So glad you get to go home. And while all that you still have to go through will be hard, thank God they caught this and were able to save you! I’m so glad that you’re going to be on the mend. (((((HUGS))))

  3. I think everyone will understand completely if you take it easy on the blog for a bit. Just reading your experiences made me exhausted…and a bit terrified. Take care of yourself.

  4. Hope all is well. I just had fun shopping on your site! I always dreamed of having a site like yours.
    Rest and take it easy!

  5. Glad to hear that.
    En ehtinyt soittaa sulle sairaalaan ennen kuin paasit kotiin. Onko sulla puhelinta viela?

    All the best wishes for you and your family, and take it easy now.


  6. Yea! I’ve been thinking about you and haven’t had a chance to check in on you. I’m so glad that you’re doing better. Rest easy!


  7. oh katja, i’m sooo glad you are doing better and are back home! hope you are getting lots of rest and doing whatever you need to do to make a full recovery. :)

  8. I bet you felt even better when you walked into your house!

    I’m glad you’re home! Have someone check your P.O. in a few days, there should be something for you and then something for BlogHer. If you don’t go, don’t worry about it! Just rest!

  9. Katja, oh my goodness I had no idea…I’m so thankful you’re going home and your attitude is fantastic! Yes, whatever it takes, you must keep maintain your health.

    Hugs—and big time prayers—going out to you, Katja. I’m sorry I didn’t hang out with you while you were sick, I’ll do better, promise. xoxo

  10. DO NOT buy your bracelet yet!! I saw your twitter on someeone else I follow, and trust me – I have scoured the entire world for cute med ID bracelets. PLEASE email me – agmcgaha – a t – gmail and I’d love to talk about them with you. I hope everything is okay with you. I’m a nursing student as well as a victim of chronic illness (since age 5), so if you need anything, definitely let me know!! Prayers to you, and I hope to talk to you soon!! xoxo

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Skimbaco Lifestyle

Skimbaco Lifestyle is for nomadic trailblazers, fearless founders, rebel leaders and people who live life to the fullest.