Yesterday I was still resisting the pain medication, and refused to take the pain, sleeping and other “convenience” medicines just because I “might need it”. But later yesterday afternoon I understood that there is a time to be natural living advocate and then there is time just to take the drugs.
And that time was here.
I asked the nurses to put me in a pain medication schedule now and just keep bringing it to me, even if I don’t ask for it. My lungs still feel tight and small, and the doctor suspected I was still getting new blood clots in my lungs yesterday, according the pain I experienced. But I was able to stand up so long that I was able to brush my teeth this morning… Yay, what a big step :)
But really, it was for me.
I know I’m getting better because 24 hours ago when the doctor visited I was just crying because I was not even able to speak up and say where it hurts. Today the doctor noticed my MacBook next to me (others have teddy bears, I cling to my MacBook) and we had a talk about differences between Macs and PCs.
I don’t think I’m going home tomorrow, I’m lucky if I’ll make it home for 4th of July (which I don’t think will happen).
It’s OK. I’m alive and still kicking, you won’t get rid of me that easily.
But just for your information, I don’t have access to my hotmail e-mail address nor facebook. I try not to spend all the time on the computer, and also not able to answer all e-mails. I’m just watching Martha Stewart and Rachael Ray shows here and eating ice cream and smoothies all day long.
I am able to talk (a little bit before I’m out of breath) – so if you want to call an e-mail or twitter me, and I’ll give you the number!