
Seems like I’m going to be in a hospital for a while. Not that doctors have said anything like that, but since I am so much in pain that I barely can walk two feet to the bathroom, I’m thinking going home might not be a good idea… Talking makes me tired and out of breath. Since I might not be in the best condition to back up for the move, my wonderful parents-in-law have promised to drive here from Texas to help us out. That’s nice, but extra props for my parents who obviously want to spare my strength so much that they haven’t called or even sent me an e-mail yet. I’m sure they just want me to rest, right? No, I’m sure they are just out on the sea with their boat, and maybe even my sister hasn’t been able to reach them. Frankly, I’m pretty scared and now starting to realize this is serious stuff. It has taken me an hour to write this, and I think I’m going to need a few hours after this to rest…
  1. Oh, Katja! I heard from Amy on Twitter about this…

    I am so sorry to hear about your health worries.

    I’m sure you’ll pull through fine, though being in the hospital stinks!

    I can’t think of a thing to do besides offer prayers and wishes for a speedy recovery.

    If you e-me your hospital address, I’ll send some fun magazines and stuff to take your mind off of it?

    Get well SOON!

  2. You poor thing ((HUGS)) keep resting and do everything the doctors tell you to do or not to do.

  3. Your virtual family loves you and we are all praying for a quick and speedy recovery!

    Rest up and get well soon!

  4. so sorry to hear that you’re going through this. It’s never fun to be in the hospital. Just take it slow and be sure to rest.

  5. You poor thing! You work so hard! You don’t deserve to be in the hospital! I’m gonna hold off on the giveaway until you get better.
    I do have something to send you, but I don’t know if sending it to the store would be ok or not?

    Get well soon! *HUG*

  6. big hugs to you, sweetie. rest up all that you can and take advantage of all of the extra help. please let me know if there’s anything i can do from afar. sending lots of positive energy your way.

  7. ((((((((((((((((((((Katya!)))))))))))))))))))))))

    I am just seeing your update and feeling for you! Sending you strong and healthful thoughts.


  8. Hoping you are feeling better soon. I am so glad you are getting treatment- this is a pretty serious thing, so please be careful and concentrate on you- I know that’s hard with kidlets, but you need to- best wishes!


  9. Oh honey! *hug*

    I’m praying for you. I know you are a strong woman and you can get through this. I think staying in the hospital for a bit is a good idea. Get yourself better and let others help you get there!

    Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you.


  10. Oh my goodness I hope you will be back on your feet soon. Thanks for keeping us posted – you are in our thoughts and prayers.

  11. I’m so sorry…you’re such a sweet and giving person, I wish there were something I could give back to you today to make this all better!

    Just know I’ll be thinking of you!

  12. Hope you’re feeling better soon.

    My uncle had the same problem last month (pulmonary embolism) and he recovered after a few days in the hospital. Said it was painful, but ultimately got better. Here’s hoping for the same for you.

  13. I was hoping to read that you were feeling better today… I’m so sorry that you’re feeling worse AND haven’t heard from your parents!

    Many good thoughts and wishes to you.

  14. geez, Katja – enough drama for you, OK? Enough! LOL

    Rest up and get some feeling better vibes going right away :)

    When you wake up from your nap, that is.


  15. I’m just getting caught up on this…so sorry!!!

    You are in my thoughts…please do let me know if I can do anything at all to help.


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