Thursday morning started with a luxurious breakfast, and hurrying into the Apple store again – the Apple website has shown us a green light for the stock of the new 3G iPhones in the Albuquerque store.
We arrived at the store ten minutes after the opening. Only one iPhone left, and Matt signed up for the line to get it.
I was a little sad that there was only one phone, but I thought I’d let Matt have it, and I would get one another time. While we were waiting that it was our turn to get the phone, a gentleman in the front of us left the line – he said he knew we really wanted to buy two, so he went and told the Apple personal to sell the one he had just reserved to us.
What, was our luck changing for the better?
We were actually able to purchase two spanking new iPhones, with matching covers and all, and we got out from the Apple store before ten o’clock in the morning.
We didn’t really have anything to do but wait for the glass repair company to call and tell us our window has arrived.
We visited Borders, the mall, another mall, a Mini Cooper store, and books again, this time at Barnes & Noble. Waiting and waiting, until we found out – the window didn’t arrive today.
“Friday for sure”.
So we were forced to stay in Albuquerque for another night. We drove back to our luxury hotel, got another room, and this time instead of the pool, me and kids watched Nancy Drew while snuggling on the hotel bed.
And the dinner… oh my, that was an experience again, but why don’t I leave it for another post!
PS. And the iPhone… well, I’m on vacation, so I didn’t really get into that yet.. will tell you what I think about it after using it little more than 30 minutes. So far, I’m lovin’ it.