Last night I attended the Today’s Moms book launch party with a dear friend of mine, Amber, @JerseyMomma. Remember how much fun we all had at the Twitter party with Mary Ann Zoellner and Alicia Ybarbo, the authors of Today’s Moms: Essentials for Surviving Baby’s First Year ($11.55)? I had a change to meet them in person yesterday, and I can not say enough of good things about these two ladies. Wait until you hear who all were in this VIP party, and you can understand that Amber and me felt little out of place when entering the party at the Rouge Tomate, but Alicia and Mary Ann and the people who work with them made us feel so welcome, and the party was so much fun!
Oh, and thank God I saw Gary Vaynerchuk on the way to the party, at least one familiar face (well, familiar otherwise than just TV)! I was carrying a bag of diapers – and congratulating Gary, because he will be buying diapers soon – he is going to be dad within a few months. You may ask, why I was carrying diapers to this party..
Me, Amber Watson Tardiff and Mary Ann Zoellner
Alicia Ybarbo and Mary Ann Zoellner
It happened to be Tiki Barber’s birthday, so Alicia & Mary Ann got everyone singing happy birthday to him.
Happy Birthday!!