Live a little: be an adventurous foodie
This post is specifically written for you, who does NOT think words “foodie” and “adventurous” could ever be used in the same sentence when describing you. Don’t let others define what your “adventurous” means. Being an adventurous foodie doesn’t have to mean you try eating raw fish, wild animals of the world, of fruit that smells so much that it’s banned bringing in some buildings such as hotels. Hey, great for you if you are that adventurous, and there is nothing you wouldn’t try! But this post is for those who think they can never be adventurous foodies, because they can’t even imagine visiting somewhere and eating food they don’t exactly know what’s in it. This week I am encouraging you to think differently and BE adventurous foodie, while still eating ingredients that feel “safe” to you and you are still in your own comfort zone. Our Travel Insight writer Leigh is on fall detox and writes about her adventures in detoxing. Being on a detox sounds quite the opposite of being adventurous, it sounds like you are depriving you from adventures in eating! In fact, having a fall detox IS being an adventurous foodie, it IS eating outside the box, quite literally, and trying something completely different. It’s been a huge adjustment to Leigh to give up many foods she loves and she has cooked so many new dishes this past week – adventurous for sure! Last week Satu also gave you tips how to daydream of traveling at home, and eating foods from past travels or daydreaming of travel and enjoying foods from afar is an excellent way to escape in your everyday life. This is one of the reasons we kicked off the Global Kitchen feature last week – to bring you easy ways to bring culinary adventures home from around the world – via recipes. And I started the feature with a cinnamon bun recipe from Finland. There is no weird fruit involved, and yet you can be “adventurous” trying cinnamon buns the Scandinavian way. If you want even easier way out.. try Swedish chocolate coconut balls, super easy, good, and ADVENTUROUS new recipe to try from Sweden. I have become much more adventurous in my travels, and tried new food combinations. I loved having mustard on the cheese plate in a winery in Southhampton, and I tried potatoes in an omlette the first time in Spain, and my new pizza favorite is pear and blue cheese like I tried in Tuscany, Italy! Pears are hardly adventurous, but I had just never even thought of adding them in a pizza. It’s easy to be adventurous foodie and you can start it by small things, like mixing two of your favorite juices together, trying mayonnaise on fries instead of ketchup or walking through the international food aisle in your grocery store and buying a new spice. Baby steps my friend. And who knows, maybe in your next travels you will want to try that weird dish after all. How are you living a little?Join us!
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