This post is part of the “Ireland Special Series” for Skimbaco to celebrate “The Gathering Ireland 2013”. See also the previous posts and read more about Ireland in my personal blog Destination Unknown.

Ireland and especially the
Ireland Special series for Skimbaco Lifestyle have been keeping me busy for some months now, and I have partly ventured outside the adventure and family travel theme that I usually try to stick to in my Tuesdays’ Destination Unknown posts.
But this particular Monday in Dublin, right after the TBEX travel bloggers’ conference was an adventure in itself, albeit a very soft one, literally, I remember thinking as I sank into the soft towels in the dark room only lit by the gentle candle light, not quite sure what was ahead of me.

Few months prior, I had visited
the Buff Day Spa, located right in the heart of the city by the Stephen’s Green shopping centre and Gaiety Theatre, in a very heavy condition, almost at the limit of travel set by the airlines and doctor’s as I was expecting the new addition to our family, our very much loved little man. The experience at the time, when I was in dire need of pampering and relaxation, was so blissful and timely, that I wrote shortly about the experience in my previous post here in Skimbaco on
Feeling Good in Dublin.
This time I was invited to return to review one of Buff Day Spa’s signature treatments and of the two inviting options, The Total Harmony Signature Treatment and The Buff Ultimate Indulgence, I went for the latter. Ultimate indulgence, what could beat that?

The promise of the treatment was absolute relaxation with a full body massage with a special blend of Thai Oils providing pure relaxation for the mind, body and spirit to start with, continuing with a skin brightening and soothing treatment for the back, and finishing off with a Dermalogica Customised Facial that should leave skin glowing and revitalised. After couple of months of sleepless nights combined with few busy days at the conference, this was what I needed badly.
Visiting the Spa for the second time everything went even more smoothly than the first time, my shoe size for the soft slippers was already in the system and I was ready to leave and forget the busy everyday life behind in no time and simply unwind.

Paula, my therapist took me to the room where peaceful music was already playing and as she put the head phones on me while I was relaxing on the soft towels, the music transferred me to some faraway place from the busy capital. The use of headphones was something I had never come across in other spas around Europe, and it definitely helped in the ultimate relaxation experience.
I was planning to really pay attention to be able to recount the whole treatment in detail, but I have to admit, almost from the moment I entered the candle lit room and certainly from when Paula started the massage with the essential oil mix of rose, camomile and sandalwood, my mind almost shut down as I enjoyed every moment, maybe even dozing shortly at times.

Even though I can not give a detailed account of the treatment, I can confirm that this was ultimate relaxation at its best, and I was happy to rest for few moments with herbal tea in the relaxation room after almost two hours of pampering, while I tried to slowly bring myself back to the present day and get ready to face the busy streets of Dublin again. At 175 euros this is a treatment I personally would not do regularly, but as an extra treat every now and then or a gift for someone special (hope my husband is reading this), The Buff Ultimate Indulgence is perfect. The Buff Day Spa does have a full range of spa treatments and if you are visiting Dublin, be sure to check the Special Offers section on the Spa’s website. Right now the Winter Warm Up Spa Package which is on special sounds more than perfect for the temperatures that are quickly dropping below freezing here in northern Europe.
See More:
Address: 52 South King St. (beside the Gaiety Theatre)
Phone : +353 1 677 4624
Ireland Special for Skimbaco
I landed in Ireland for the first time in 1998, fresh from school and ready for my university studies in Dublin. As I sat in the taxi from the airport to my hostel, I did not understand a word the taxi driver said with his thick northern Dublin accent. All I could think was “what have I done! I don’t even understand the language here…”. I quickly fell in love with the people, country and the “craic”, and after almost five years of living in Dublin, I still return to my old home at least once a year. This Ireland series for Skimbaco, which will run over the next few weeks every Tuesday, is here to celebrate “The Gathering Ireland 2013”, as throughout this year, Ireland is opening its arms to hundreds of thousands of friends and family from all over the world, calling them home to gatherings in villages, towns and cities.

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