Crocodiles on the River Nile in Uganda I @SatuVW
Kayaking and swimming can be very adventurous on the river Nile in Ugana!

Destination Unknown: Adding a bit of Adventure to Everyday

Watch out for crocodiles on the River Nile in Uganda I @SatuVW
ADVENTURE |adˈven ch ər; əd-| noun an unusual and exciting, typically hazardous, experience or activity : her recent adventures in Italy. • daring and exciting activity calling for enterprise and enthusiasm : she traveled the world in search of adventure | a sense of adventure.
Adventure can indicate many things. For me personally, it’s a state of mind and an attitude. In my daily life, for the most part I feel like I’m living in an adventure. My everyday activities might not always reflect this as I’m not traveling somewhere new, going down the river in my kayak, hiking up a mountain or hitting the local ski hill everyday, even though I would loved to! Let’s take a typical day when my husband is abroad and I’m minding the little one (currently I’m on maternity leave). I’ll be changing nappies, cooking, visiting friends, changing more nappies, going to the gym, surfing the Internet while the little one sleeps, writing a bit and surfing some more. Is this very adventurous? No. One reason I still feel life is exciting and adventurous on a daily basis is because I’m living abroad. Norway has been our home for two years now, but there is still so much more to see, language to master and new things to experience. But that’s not the only reason. There are few other things that add a bit of adventure to my everyday and I’d love to hear what works for you! Hiking in Norway I @SatuVW

Adding a bit of Adventure to Everyday

Having something exciting to look forward to. Whether it’s a vacation, weekend get-a-way, trip to the local amusement park or an evening with friends. Having a little adventure planned and something exciting to look forward to can turn mundane days to something more exciting. I personally am a master of daydreaming and I always have few things on the pipeline. This way there is always something to look forward to, no matter how busy or stressful your everyday may be. Treating every little trip and excursion as an adventure. Previously Leigh talked about living life as if every destination is a vacation and for me this also works for adventures: living life as if every destination is an adventure. I had a great adventure with my little baby girl this summer to the local animal park, only 10 minutes away from home. It was a first for me, definitely a first for my daughter and most definitely an adventure for us! Barnas Gård animal park in Hunderfossen, Norway I @SatuVW Get together with friends and plan an adventure together. I think “more the merrier” goes especially for planning adventures, small or large, near or far. My latest plan is to take part in a multisport or adventure sport competition with friends next summer, somewhere abroad preferably. We’ll spend the winter preparing and planning, and I’m sure this will be an interesting and fun part of the adventure in itself. And needless to say, I will probably spend more time with these friends than I otherwise would! Learn something new. I’ve said this so many times but I say it again.  It could be anything. Surfing. Knitting. Cooking. Something that you can be excited about and that for you is adventurous. I started an online photography course yesterday and I’m excited to see what I can learn in the coming month. This is definitely an adventure for me into the world of photography, and who knows where it will take me? Forget the definition of adventure. Adventure is whatever you decide it is. It doesn’t have to be hazardous. It doesn’t have to be daring. It can be whatever you want it to be. If we drop a few words of the description of “adventure”, we are left with exciting and enthusiasm. What is exciting to you that you can do with enthusiasm? Adventure!? And my next adventure? Returning to the city I love, Dublin, where I did my university studies and where I now will be touring the island in a camper van with my family next week. I just can’t wait!! What’s your next adventure? destination unknown, travel blog, adventure travel

Skimbaco Lifestyle

Skimbaco Lifestyle is for nomadic trailblazers, fearless founders, rebel leaders and people who live life to the fullest.