These days are all,
Happy and Free.
These days are all,
Share them with me.
Goodbye grey sky, hello blue.
What kind of person hums “Happy Days” theme song?
Well, me.
Well, happy.
We had a great weekend, and the days (and especially the nights) are getting colder and we can’t wait for the winter and ski season to start!
There was a big ski sale at the Ski Barn on Saturday, so Matt got us all up, and we were there the first thing on the morning.. 5 minutes after they opened. He wanted to have a pair of fat skis for back-country skiing, and didn’t like the new models, and was set to find a pair from last year. Yeah – he found them, über-cool retro-looking ones and saved a lot of $$ too.
He bought a snowboard last year, and that didn’t work too well.. Hopefully we’ll see more back-country skiing this year than snowboarding last year… I’m really excited about the almost new snowboard we have though – I am going to get myself a pair of boots and try snowboarding in our own yard. No way I would go to the slopes, I have never tried it before, but my big plan is to practice at home, when nobody sees. I am so excited about our new home in the middle of the mountains. I’m going to teach kids to ski in the front yard.
Mountain side living rocks.
Who cares that we don’t even have a mail box here, or we need to look first for the bears before going out of the door.
Yes, we have BEARS in our front yard, they ate most of the apples… They left one half eaten, it was too high for the bear to reach, and I guess he just ate half of it and left a little teaser for us.
I am a little upset that because of my ankle, I wasn’t able to make it to the ENK Children’s Club trade show this week in New York. My ankle is still not good, it’s OK, but not for the walking the trip to NYC would have required. I just knew that if I had gone, there would be no skiing this winter, no way my ankle would heel by the time season starts. This is going to be our second winter at the Rockies, and I don’t want to miss the fun.
If you remember our trip to Texas this summer, and we considering moving.. Well, the possibility is still there, but what we realized this fall – we have a pretty good thing going on here, and I don’t think we are ready to give it up for big city, suburbs or even family reunions. Durango is an amazing community – we have never had as many friends as we have here. And I don’t mean just people we know. Friends. Friends, who are there when you need them the most.
Now when the ski season is ahead of us, and we found a little house on the mountain side to live in, I don’t think we can leave this behind. I think when we came back from Texas, we thought we are going to see what happens – we will get a “sign” and then know what we should do. We though that Matt actually getting or not getting the job, would be “the sign”, but now we have realized, that we already got the sign. Everything that has happened after we thought of leaving Colorado, has just been a big sign to stay in Colorado.
I guess you just always want the best for your family, and sometimes it is hard to see, what the best is, and get side-tracked, and start thinking of new jobs, new houses, new schools, what ever. But if we are thinking what we have right here, right now, we would be crazy to even think of moving.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Happy Days.
Thursday, Friday, Happy Days.

We got tons of new exiting products on our store – I’ll tell more about those later! And I have been shopping online like a crazy person, no, haven’t used a penny, but I’ve been doing a Grande Holiday Shopping Guide investigations for the last week or so. I will post a huge gift guide (over 100 products!) later this week. It was going to be ready today.. but then I got busy with my store, AND designed and launched a brand new website two weeks ago!
Please go and visit – it’s a trendy new site in Finnish. See it, even if you don’t understand it – I’m so glad that I was able to do it myself! I am writing the site with my BFF and we are also publishing articles from Finnish women from all over the world. It is just a great way to find Finnish Women and so far we’ve had Finnish women visiting us from 17 different countries. Pretty neat, in the first ten days.
I just had a lot of Finnish readers in this blog, and I wanted to start something in Finnish – and my friend was just starting her own blog… and we started talking, and the “trendy friend” site was born.
One more thing… The winner for Madallie Gift card is Alexia – congratulations!