Hello New Year

Most popular posts last year - and a little update

Hello New Year 2017!

2017 is our ten-year anniversary year! I started Skimbaco in 2006, but feel 2007 was our official launch year; I opened the store in February 2007, and this blog closely after that. If you know Skimbaco – you know we have changed and evolved over the years, and one of the biggest changes in 2016 was that we actually stopped publishing here as much, but we published our digital magazine on Issuu instead. With less new content here in the blog, our readership numbers also reflect it, but I am happy to say our digital magazines have gotten over 1.2 million impressions, so I take it as a confident measure that you still like what we have to say. We had several large changes last year. We launched the ENJOY LIFE diffuser jewelry collection, and we continue growing our Young Living team (join us now!). 2017 also marks my 20th anniversary of the year I left my home country, and when I met my wonderful husband Matt. After thinking about this for a very long time, I am ready to say this aloud: I want to move back to Finland. I have been following Matt around the world for 20 years, and I am pretty sure he will follow me to Finland too. I am working very hard to make this dream a reality. It has taken me a full year to have a clear picture how this could happen, or what I want to do when in Finland, and even now I get choked up just thinking about my dream as I am putting pieces to my plan together. I know many of you loved following our adventures in Europe and life in Sweden, so I will continue to create content that brings you inspiration from my beloved Nordic region of Europe. 2017 is also the 100th anniversary of Finland’s independence, so this is a great year to tell you more about my home country. I will also visit Finland already in a matter of a few weeks as I will be hosting international travel bloggers during the Matka-travel fair. I will especially be posting more pictures from Finland on my Instagram account. This past year my favorite pictures were all local, and from Peggy’s Cove, Nova Scotia.

Let’s execute 2017!!

What about you? What kind of plans do you have for 2017? Do you have goals, dreams or resolutions? Do share!

Most read blog posts in 2016

In case you missed it – read these most-read posts from last year. 1. Top 10 Spa & Wellness Lifestyle Trends 2. Girls Getaway to San Antonio, Texas 3. I dyed my hair blue, and this is what I learned 4. NASA is giving free travel posters – and they are awesome 5. Finnish Marimekko at Target 6. Father’s Day gifts for the Urban Fisherman 7. Young Living essential oils for moms 8. Straight talk about moving out of the country 9. Our journey in a Volvo 10. Virtual trip to Epcot’s World Showcase (30+ photos and video)

Skimbaco Lifestyle

Skimbaco Lifestyle is for nomadic trailblazers, fearless founders, rebel leaders and people who live life to the fullest.