Enjoy life more with Essential Oils
I’ve always liked natural products, and paid attention what kind of products I used or food I ate, but when I got pregnant the first time, things changed even more. Now it wasn’t just about me, but it was about my baby, and making sure I am using products that are safe not just for me, but my child. I think most women are like me — once you become a mom, you don’t just think just about yourself, you know that most choices you make from now on, effect your child too.
This Mother’s Day, gift the mom in your life with
Young Living’s Premium Starter Kit and we will also send her a Reference Guide to Essential Oils to get her started with the essential oil lifestyle, AND a designer diffuser necklace to wear her new favorite oil. Yes — essential oils can also be used as aromatherapeutic “perfume” instead of perfumes that can have toxic chemicals. Imagine that instead of wearing a perfume with synthetic fragrance, that can be harmful for especially children, mom can wear essential oils like Lavender that has calming properties that can actually help for feeling calmer and happier!
I was using my essential oils with my jewelry all the time, so I decided to hire an amazing jewelry designer DeAnna Cochran to design us an exclusive diffuser jewelry collection – you can
shop our ENJOY LIFE diffuser jewelry collection now.

This of course is only one of the thousands of different ways of using essential oils. The right oil can help to get a better night’s rest, give energy to get the day started, help with body functions whether it’s your digestive system or cognitive system, and even get your sex life some boost after exhausting days of parenthood. Moms who love DIY love essential oils for making their own soaps. Foodie moms love experimenting with the Vitality line of oils that can be used for cooking. Luxury spa lover moms will love making sugar scrubs and using Young Living’s spa-quality skin care products at home. Home decorators will love diffusing amazing scents at home and using the non-toxic Thieves household cleaner that cleans and smells so good.
I love how luxurious – and natural!!- my daily diffuser and beauty routine feels, and at the same time, I love how much money I have saved by buying Young Living’s products. In my first year with Young Living I received close to $1,900 worth (retail prices) completely FREE products from Young Living just by utilizing their monthly promotions and by joining to their Essential Rewards program. And this did not even include any commissions I made — on the top I made commission by recommending the products for my friends! The Young Living lifestyle of using safe products that are good for our family’s wellness saved our family a lot of money, AND made money too. Young Living’s product offering is so much more than essential oils, they also sell home and personal care products, supplements, even some nutrition and food items and much more.
Read more about
joining Young Living and
sign up now.
6 Reasons why Young Living essential oils are great for moms and can change her life!
1. Essential Oils diffused or in do-it-yourself bath products make home an instant home spa. Instead of one expensive spa trip, mom will have unlimited home spa experiences with the essential oils that come just in the starter kit. Diffusing favorite essential oils is a great way to get an instant uplift in mood and make home smell heavenly.
2. Moms want the best for their children, and the everyday essential oils are great for children’s health. Many children for example love Lavender in soothing baths, or it can help minor burns or sunburn. Lemon essential oil works wonders in hot water for sore throats. There are so many ways essential oils can be used for the health of the children.
3. Essential Oils are nature’s most powerful beauty products. Frankincense is great for wrinkles, Tea Tree Oil works wonders for acne, and Myrrh benefits aging skin. Ylang Ylang helps control oily skin and minimizes breakouts. The list is long, and when you buy the Premium Starter Kit with us, we will send you an educational package that gives you hundreds of ways to use the essential oils.
4. There are also several essential oils that can help to lose weight. Drinking Grapefruit daily in water, or taking a few drops of each Lemon, Grapefruit and Peppermint every day, can help metabolism and flush a few pounds off easily. There are also several other ways to target fat, or to help with elasticity of skin after losing weight. Young Living also has a special Slique oil blend that curbs appetite.
5. Many essential oils also help with emotional well-being. Many oils like Peace & Calming, Joy, Frankincense, Citrus Fresh, Stress Away and Valor are uplifting and can help with everyday stresses many moms have.
6. With so many ways for moms to use the oils, most moms want to share the goodness of them with their friends and family as well. When mom joins Young Living as a wholesale member, she also gets the possibility to create a very easy home based business that can be fulfilling, fun and very lucrative. This is not mandatory though – mom can join as a member just to enjoy the 24% lower wholesale prices, and never worry about having to sell anything to anyone. I just mention this opportunity, because I have worked from home since 2004, and love to empower other moms to work from home as well.
Read more about essential oils on our sister site
Enjoy Life with Oils.
New Premium Starter Kit

There are many ways to purchase Young Living’s essential oils. The best way is to by becoming a wholesale member. It does not mean you have to become a distributor (or have to sell), but it does give you the option. Young Living knows that when you fall in love with the products and the natural lifestyle, sharing about the goodness becomes natural, and even those who swear never to “do the business” end up sharing with friends! It’s the best way to purchase because you will save at least 24% of each purchase. Your savings can be significantly more, thanks to savings program Essential Rewards and monthly freebies.
Join now and get the Premium Starter Kit and you will also receive extra gifts from us!
The Premium Starter Kit of 2016 includes:
Dew Drop Diffuser
Premium Essential Oils Collection; Lavender 5-ml, Peppermint Vitality™ 5-ml, Lemon Vitality™ 5-ml, Copaiba Vitality™ 5-ml, Frankincense 5-ml, Thieves® Vitality™ 5-ml, Purification® 5-ml, R.C.™ 5-ml, DiGize™ Vitality™ 5-ml, PanAway® 5-ml
Stress Away™ 5-ml + AromaGlide™ Roller Fitment
10 Sample Packets, 10 Love It? Share It! Sample Business Cards, 10 Love It? Share It! Sample Oil Bottles
2 NingXia Red® 2-oz. samples
Product Guide and Product Price List, Essential Oil Magazine, Essential Edge, Member Resources
Our free gifts:
– an amazingly helpful 400+ Page Essential Oil Reference Guide
– access to The Oil Nation & Skimbaco Enjoy Life with Oils FB group with all sorts of great info about using the oils and how to create this a business
Sign up now
If you are ready to buy a starter kit, then be sure to sign up as a wholesale member (with one of the premium starter kits) through the instructions below to take advantage of these freebies! Note: if you are signing up for mom as a gift, you will need her social security number.
1. Head over to the
Young Living page here and fill out your information.
2. Be sure the “Wholesale Member” option is checked so that you don’t end up paying retail prices.
3. Be sure the “sponsor ID” and “enroller id” say 2437916 (so that I can send the freebies!)
4. If you do not feel comfortable putting in your social security number (this is only for tax purposes if you decide to turn this into a business) then you can get an EIN from the IRS in just a few seconds here and use that number instead (the IRS just needs to be able to connect some number with you for tax purposes). They need a Social Security Number or an EIN because if you make $600 or more per year selling Young Living products, you will receive a 1099 form in the mail (which is required by law). Young Living will never share this info with anyone.
5. Select which starter kit you want to get. My recommendation would be the Premium Starter Kit with Dewdrop Diffuser for $160.
6. You can also sign up for monthly Essential Rewards program that starts collecting you rewards points immediately. You get 10% back of each order the first 6 months, then 15% points and after a year in the program you get 20% back in points towards free products. This is the holy grail for savings!
7. Go through the checkout process.
8. After you sign up, send an email to katja.presnal@skimbaco.com letting me know that you signed up through this promotion.
IMPORTANT: This promotion is only available when you sign up with the sponsor ID and enroller ID as #2437916 Also, if you recommend this promotion to a friend (or group of friends) and they sign up too through this promotion then please let me know so that you can get credit for referring them. :)
Does signing up make me a “distributor”? Do I have to sell?
Nope! You are not required to sell anything at all to anyone. When you become a wholesale member, you get a special link that you can share with friends and get credit from their purchases, but there are no minimum sales amounts at all. In fact, 90% of the wholesale members in Young Living don’t do the business side at all. They are buying from Young Living because of the quality alone.
Why to sign up as a wholesale member then..?
As a retail customer you will always pay the full price for all the oils, but as a wholesale member, you are able to buy Young Living products with a 24% discount. It just makes sense to sign up as a wholesale member from the beginning.
Am I required to make a minimum purchase each month?
Nope! There are absolutely NO minimum monthly purchase requirements. To remain a wholesale member, you have to make $50 worth of purchases per year to keep your membership. But if there’s a year that you don’t make a $50 purchase, you can reinstate your wholesale membership discount by just placing a $50 order.
If you do find yourself making regular purchases each month, then Young Living has a rewards program (called Essential Rewards) where you can make a nice percentage back in product credit each month on all of your purchases. So that’s a neat program to join if you find that you *want* to purchase regularly (but it’s not a requirement for being a wholesale member).
Why should I buy from Young Living instead of other essential oils companies?
Good question, and I was thinking the same thing when signing up. As a blogger I am connected to thousands of people, and I have seen a lot of people in my network to have experiences with different essential oil companies over the past couple of years. I have read a lot of information about different companies, and I do recommend you do your own research as well. To me Young Living was a no-brainer just from the caliber of the friends I know recommend it, and how using the oils and selling them have effected positively in my friends and their families.
I can also say that Young Living was the only company in my research of essential oil companies that could answer all of my questions about purity in a way that was satisfactory to me. Read about their Seed to Seal promise.
Young Living was the only company that has their own farms (in the regions where the plants should be grown), could absolutely guarantee that no pesticides or herbicides were used in the growing of any of their oils (they use essential oils for pest control and they do all of the weeding by hand), has their own testing equipment (they do both in-house and 3rd party testing, and use many different testing methods not just GC/MS which only tests for certain chemicals, not whether those chemicals are synthetic or not), and only uses the first distillation of oils instead of adding chemicals to get more out of the plant.
Young Living also was the only company that was directly in charge of essential oil farming operations. Every other company I researched goes through some kind of an “oil broker” to buy their oils. They have to trust that the oil broker is telling the truth, who has to trust that the essential oil distilleries are telling the truth, who have to trust that the farmers are telling the truth about what they say they are doing.
With Young Living, you just have to trust one company instead of several.
I feel like it’s a trust step either way (anyone could be lying) but I felt the most comfortable trusting Young Living since they are a full-disclosure company. ANYONE can visit the farms, participate in the harvesting and distillation, view the Young Living labs, and see the entire process. That’s not an option with any other company. I really hope to visit some of their farms in the future to see it myself.
How will I know which oils to use for what?
One of the benefits of getting a starter kit through this promotion is that you also get to join our private Facebook group that’s specifically for questions about essential oils! A large group of people has already tested the oils for different uses, it really is easy to find different ways to use the oils. I will be sharing all of my favorites here on monthly blog posts.
Does Young Living only sell essential oils?
Nope! Young Living actually has an entire line of personal care products, supplements, meal replacements, energy drinks, and more! Almost every product incorporates essential oils, but there’s a wide variety of products available.
Why should I sign up with Skimbaco?
Yes, I just started on my essential oils journey, and am pretty green on the entire Young Living-thing, but I use the oils to make my entire family feel better. In the past couple of years while living in Sweden I started using more natural products and on my trips I got to see how herbal medicine is used all over the world. I visited a farm where they farm aloe for beauty products in Italy, in Morocco I saw how argan oil is made, and in Sri Lanka I learned more about ancient Asian herbal medicine. I bought natural oils on all of these trips, and loved using them. The oils can get pretty expensive when bought from natural stores, so joining as a wholesale member and saving the 24% of each product made a lot of sense to me.
On the business side if you are interested joining me in, I think I know something about community building and helping others to succeed, and I would love to help you to start your own online business as well. As part of my team, you would get all my online marketing tips I have learned over the past 10 years of working in the social media industry. I will mentor, and personally help you to make this a business for you, if that’s what you are interested in.
I also joined a specific group of YL bloggers, because I already had so many friends who were part of it, and you can join us too. So basically ALL the info needed to live healthier lifestyle with the oils is within an easy reach, and so is all the info to make this a business to get you income. It just was a no-brainer to me, and I hope you will feel the same way.