Shevestments SPARK Pitching Competition at Crush Event in Helsinki

Where female founders meet female financing.

Shevestments Spark at Crush
Pitching competition for women and non-binary growth company founders.
Stock Exchange Building, Fabianinkatu 14, Helsinki
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Funding for female founders: Shevestments SPARK at Crush

Shevestments SPARK is an exciting Shark Tank-style Pitching competition for female and non-binary founders, held at Crush Event on May 8th, 2024. Crush is a feminist business conference with over 20 international speakers, aiming to make the business world more equitable and socially sustainable.  Crush is held at the legendary Stock Exchange Building in Helsinki. Helsinki is home to many world-class business events like Nordic Business Forum, and Slush, and Crush is an intimate event focusing on building psychological safety for women and non-binary attendees. You will not see all-male panels at Crush, and this year is also a pitching competition to get investor funding for female or non-binary founders as part of the Founders Track at the event. The Shevestments SPARK pitching competition is facilitated by Hanna Nyholm and Mirva Nevalainen of Shevestments. Shevestments is an educational investment platform and scaleup service powerhouse to connect female entrepreneurs with investors and capital, educate more women to become business angels and VCs, create more opportunities for women to make an impact in the business world, and help female entrepreneurs and founders build successful businesses. Meet the Shevestments founders, who share the passion for empowering women to step up as founders, investors, and leaders. Hanna Nyholm – Executive coach, entrepreneur, investor, and business angel. She has an extensive experience in international business, startups, and company development. ‍ Mirva Nevalainen – Business leader, board professional, investor, and startup mentor. Passion for business acumen, profitable growth, and service/product development.

Shevestments SPARK Investor Introductions

The founders will face four investors who are ready to give advice, and feedback on the pitches – and potentially to invest. Meet the incredible group of investors. Jeanette Carlsson, Founder & CEO, Tech Nordic Advocates Jeanette Carlsson is Founder and CEO of Tech Nordic Advocates, the Nordic Arm of the Global Tech Advocates, with 30.000 leaders across the globe. She has a career in tech of over 30 years, including in corporations, like PWC and IBM and supporting women in tech. In 2018 she was voted “Inspirational Woman” by the City of London and invited to Buckingham Palace. In 2021 & 2022, she was a finalist in the Nordic Women in Tech Awards, and in 2022 voted 10 most impactful women in tech by Prime Magazine in the US. Wendy Cheng, Partner, Nordic Startup Ventures Wendy excels in identifying top robotic startups and scaling SMEs internationally. She has extensive global business development experience in hardware, software, and sectors like renewable energy & cloud computing. Recognized as one of the “50 Women in Robotics You Need to Know About” in 2021, Wendy’s achievements extend beyond business as a talented ballerina, piano composer and poet, embodying excellence in art, engineering and business. Marja-Leena Haapanen, Founder, Ladies’ Own Bourse Club  Ladies’ Own Bourse Club is an exquisite club for women that are interested in investing in stocks but also other possibilities to gain a wealthy household and be more secure in their days of retirement. Nearly 40 years of experience in the stock market, Marja-Leena is a Board Member of the Finnish Shareholder´s Association and large networking in this area. Her mission is to inspire women to be enthusiastic in investing and have full responsibility of their own money and wealth. Tiina Laisi-Puheloinen,  CEO, FiBAN Tiina Laisi-Puheloinen is the CEO of FiBAN and a former startup entrepreneur and board member of Priceff. Before her career in the startup world, she held international and national leadership positions in several Finnish companies. She has also established a reservist career in the Finnish Defense Forces, where she was ranked Major in Reserve in 2021.  

Crush Eve by Shevestments: Invest In Her

Are you interested in investing? Join us to hear the pitches on Wednesday 8.5.2024, and before that Shevestments is hosting an evening for women interested in investing. INVEST IN HER is more than a gathering – it’s a catalyst for change. ‍TIME: 7.5.2024 16.30-20.00 PLACE: PĂ–RSSITALO / Stock Exchange Building, HELSINKI Embark on a journey to empower women-led growth companies to reach new heights of success at Crush Eve by Shevestments. Investing in women is not just a smart financial choice; it’s a commitment to empowering change. Become an integral part of a movement that supports female entrepreneurs, helps to break financial barriers, and paves the way for a future where investments impact both portfolios and progress on diversity, equity, and inclusion. The ticket includes:
  • Inspiring Keynote speeches, where you will hear experiences about investing and fundraising.
  • Drinks & snacks
  • A chance to meet up with other like-minded, who share the same values.
  • Compelling panel discussion about the importance and impact of investing in female-led companies
Welcome to a fabulous evening at the Stock Exchange Building in Helsinki, where we embark on a journey not only to inspire, but to empower and celebrate women who invest – and women-led growth companies. Buy tickets to both events together. 

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