Circle October 8th – Secretariat Premieres

I saw Secretariat in a preview last month in New York, and I have to say, there hasn’t been a movie like that for a long time. A movie that makes you live through the character and feel like you know how she feels and celebrate her successes with her. I sat on my seat teary-eyed half of the movie; Secretariat moved me and it inspired me. The movie is based on a true story of Triple Crown winning thoroughbred race horse Secretariat, but it is about so much more. While Secretariat is a wonderful family movie, I had an opportunity to see the movie with my husband and attend a premiere reception with some of my girlfriends afterwards, and it was a perfect short getaway from my busy life. When you go to see the Secretariat I highly recommend making it a night out with your husband or friends. Book your babysitter now, and mark down October 8th, the premiere night of Secretariat.

Disney movie, Secretariat, inspiration, successful women, bloggers, mommy blogger Jen Singer, me, Secretariat producer Mark Ciardi, Cynthia Litman, Dawn Sandomeno and Elizabeth Mascali

I had spend the day connecting with amazing women like Jen Singer, Dawn Sandomeno and Elizabeth Mascali, Beth Feldman and Tonya Staab, Jen Drexler. And then then continued the talk with Jen, Elizabeth and Dawn, and accompanied by Cynthia Litman after we had watched the movie. These women and the movie left me inspired and ready to step up and start dreaming bigger dreams, and not letting anything to come between my dreams. The character in the movie, and the real life person Penny Chenery (who now is 87) to whom the character is based on, is an inspiration to women from her generation to my daughter’s generation. But that day made me realize that sometimes the inspiration and the role models don’t have to come from far though and they can be unexpected (even a horse), and usually they are right in the front of you (well, with their brands like Role Mommy it really isn’t hard to find these today’s superwomen).

secretariat, movie producer, role mommy, skimbaco, movie premiere, inspiring women While Secretariat is a great movie to see with girlfriends, I do think that all the strong women should also take their husbands to see it. We need other women’s support, but having the support where it is the closest is the most essential. Secretariat portrays a strong successful woman, and the sacrifices her success demanded, and the guts she had to go through with it all, but it also portrays a mother, and a wife. The saying there is a woman behind every successful man is an oldie but goodie, but what about all the men behind the successful women? Secretariat is also a good reminder for our husbands to see how important their support to us is. It also made me to appreciate my husband and his support even more. More about the movie itself later, but for now … trust me, circle the weekend of October 8th already now and arrange it so go to see the movie with girlfriends, or with your husband. Full disclosure: I was invited to the movie preview and cocktail reception by Disney.

Skimbaco Lifestyle

Skimbaco Lifestyle is for nomadic trailblazers, fearless founders, rebel leaders and people who live life to the fullest.