Interview with Tania Reuben of Pure Natural Diva

Happy Earth Day! I thought today would be a great day to feature one of my favorite bloggers and a person who cares about Mother Earth and encourages others to do it too. I interviewed the owner of a eco lifestyle website Pure Natural Diva, Tania Reuben. Eco chic Tania shows that being green isn’t all granola and composts, and that you can live eco-friendly lifestyle and care for Mother Earth, while being stylish. Katja: Tell us about Pure Natural Diva – how did you get started with your site? Were you raised to be eco savvy? Tania Reuben: I started Pure Natural Diva after friends continually asked me about less toxic, healthier, greener choices I was making in my daily life. They wanted to make modifications and adjustments, but didn’t have the time or energy for the required research. Apparently I did, or I was just that committed. I’d spend hours researching a sunscreen, others might not do the same, but that doesn’t mean they don’t care. They are overwhelmed! Eventually emails to friends, led to friends telling me I should have a website – and Pure Natural Diva was born. I was raised by a hippy mom, lived in a tepee, on a communal dairy farm and on my own by 15. Naturally, I rebelled against the lifestyle I was raised with. I became very conservative. Natural, eco savvy living wasn’t something I considered until I was pregnant with my first child. Katja: What is the message you want to spread via Pure Natural Diva? Tania Reuben: The pace of life seems crazy these days, and we are bombarded with information about… everything. My goal is to share the information about living a Pure Natural Lifestyle that I would want as a woman, wife and mother with my readers – and share in a way that empowers them with solutions. Katja: You also have a PND community – tell us about that and how people can get involved. Tania Reuben: This year we launched the PND community as a place to bring together people who are interested in Pure Natural Living. The community is a place to share ideas and learn from like minded online friends. In the community we can really delve into the heart of issues. Join the PND Community Katja: Many people feel powerless when it comes to green living,  yet we know that every small action counts. What would you say are the first steps for more natural living that everyone should take? Tania Reuben: I think people should move forward in the area/s that resonates with them. For some that might be bringing their own bags to the grocery store, for others it may be converting to green cleaners. The key is to choose something you can stick with and be successful with. Then build on that success. Once your first step is a habit, move on to the next area. Katja: What are you excited about right now? Tania Reuben: The PND community I mentioned earlier, but that is not all! I’m excited to be welcoming contributing writers on Pure Natural Diva, adding writers allow PND to deliver more information to our readers. If you’d like to be a contributor email april@purenaturaldiva.com. Having other writers also allows me time to work on a book. Katja: How do you live life to the fullest and what it means to you? Tania Reuben: My definition of living life to the fullest means living a balanced fulfilled happy life. The last two years have been largely about building PND. I work hard to try to keep things balanced, but I’m not sure I always succeed in this area. I do make time to spend quality time with my family, make time for fitness, selfcare, friends and church. And… whenever I can… I get a massage! Thank you Tania for a great interview! You can find Tania as “PureNaturalDiva” on social media networks, like Twitter and Facebook and YouTube. Visit the PND website at www.purenaturaldiva.com and join the community community.purenaturaldiva.com

Skimbaco Lifestyle

Skimbaco Lifestyle is for nomadic trailblazers, fearless founders, rebel leaders and people who live life to the fullest.