I’m happy to bring you this interview with Laura “Lolli” Franklin of the blog
Better in Bulk. Lolli is one of those bloggers who are able to balance social media and motherhood perfectly, with a discipline not to even check email before kids have left to school on the mornings. With this focus and determination to get everything in social media done by the time kids get home from school she has accomplished more than many others in the blogging space.
You can tell from Lolli’s blog and the stories she writes, what a great mom she is. I love how she shares her life and what she is passionate about in her blog. If you already don’t know Lolli, check out
Better in Bulk.
Interview with Laura “Lolli” Franklin of Better in Bulk
Katja: How did you get started with your blog Better in Bulk?
Lolli: I started Better in Bulk (or it’s predecessor on Blogger) in October 2007, after hearing from my best friend and my little sister that it would be a fun way to share pictures and the things I was doing with my family. I never had any goals or aspirations for my blog during that first year. I really looked at it as a natural progression from my old scrapbooking hobby.
Katja: How has social media changed your life? Tell how social media is part of your life.
Lolli: Social media has changed so much for me! I have always been a shy person with only a small circle of friends – now that I am active in social media, I feel like I have opened up in so many ways, one of which is the fact that
I count hundreds of bloggers as my friends. I have always felt more comfortable communicating through the written word, so have been able to focus on building other aspects of myself (where I otherwise would be focusing on “getting out of my comfort zone”).
Social media has also provided me with an outlet to explore my talents and do something for me (while helping to support my family of 7). I feel really good about the fact that I have found something that I am good at, that I enjoy, and that pays my bills.
Katja: You are a busy mom of 5, do you have any tips how you balance work and family, and what are some of the family values you have?
Lolli: I don’t think I could dedicate the same amount of time and energy to social media and blogging if it weren’t for the fact that my kids are older (my oldest daughter is in 10th grade, and my youngest is in 1st grade). Because they are at school all day, I have some time to work, and I love that I can do it all from home. It’s important for me to be available for my kids, and to be present. It’s still tough to balance everything – when the kids get home from school, I’m usually not done with my work, and it is challenging to stop in the middle of a task to devote some time to the kids. If anything, my house has definitely paid the highest price for my time issues (I tend to avoid
cleaning my house lately).
Just this past weekend, my new sister-in-law (and brother-in-law) came to visit, and I ended up having to explain to her why we don’t go to movies or eat out on Sundays. We are a pretty traditional family and actually do observe the Sabbath day. We go to church and then spend the rest of the day napping, reading, and spending time with each other. It’s something I look forward to each week – it’s my way to replenish and renew and
reconnect with my family. At the end of the day, my sister-in-law said, “You know, I kind of like your version of Sunday.”
Katja: Is there something new and exciting happening for you this year?
Lolli: On April 28, my husband and I celebrated our 17th anniversary. I consider that a pretty big accomplishment! Otherwise, this year looks like more of the same – a few trips, lots of writing, and two blogging conferences (Type-A and Blogher). The rest of the time, I’ll keep plugging forward.
Katja: What does skimbaco lifestyle mean to you? How do you live life to the fullest in your everyday life?
Lolli: These past few years have been some of the most challenging in my life. I feel like the trials keep getting poured on me. However, they have also been some of my best years ever. I consider it a great blessing that through the trials, I have been able to recognize the GOOD THINGS. And they are everywhere. I live life to the fullest by
focusing on the blessings and letting the challenges roll of my back as much as possible. When my family looks back on these years, I want all of us to remember the beauty, the adventures, the friendships, the love.
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Better in Bulk