Bringing Diversity to the Ultimate 4th of July Backyard Party
We celebrated the past three Independence Days in Europe, and hosted
4th of July parties with a BBQ menu that included all of our favorites from the South, like ribs, cornbread with honey butter, and baked beans that I cooked for hours. These are all dishes my husband grew up with in Texas, and I have learned to love.
However, I realized our traditional All American BBQ didn’t really give the true presentation what America means to me (maybe it is more what Texas means to us). When people ask me what I love about America, there is always one word that comes to my mind and it is “diversity.” And that was really the one thing I missed the most while living in Europe. I missed the diversity in people’s lifestyles, and their opinions. There is no place like America to “come as you are.”
So this year when planning our 4th of July party, I wanted create a menu that is thinking outside the typical BBQ dishes, and do something that reflects our family’s love for traveling and different cultures. I am bringing my favorite dish from Finland (salmon with potatoes) and mixing it up with Peruvian dipping sauces and avocado salad. It’s a fusion of tastes we love, and a representation what America really means to us: a melting pot of cultures, perfect fusion of different heritages and a land of the free to make bold choices (including when it comes to party dinner menus).
Long story short… I hope you will enjoy these ideas for your summer party this year, whether it is for your Independence Day celebrations or for a nice dinner with your friends and family.
Set the Table for Fancy Fish & Chips with a side of lots of Avocados
Fresh Summer Menu:
Smoked grilled salmon with avocado salad
Crispy oven baked fries with Peruvian green dipping sauces
Avocado salsa
Salsa Criolla
Strawberry Sangria

I love this menu because it really is like “fancy fish and chips” with the oven baked fries and grilled salmon, but it is fresh and spicy with the Peruvian dipping sauces that work both for the fries and for the fish.

The avocado in three different forms (avocado salsa, avocado dipping sauce with coconut milk and avocado salad on the top of the fish) adds so much to this menu and this is a perfect party menu for avocado-lovers.
Here are the two additional salsas I made. Basically just chop the ingredients – easy peasy.
Salsa Criolla
1 whole red onion
1/2 sweet pepper
1/2 red bell pepper
1/3 cup fresh cilantro
juice of one lime
1 tbsp avocado oil
salt + pepper
Avocado Salsa
1/2 red bell pepper
1 tomato
juice of one lime
1 garlic glove
1/2 red onion
Easy decor
When you stick to basics like white dinnerware, it is easy to set the table for any themed party. I pulled out my blue (turquoise really) Alvar Aalto vases for candles, and made two very simple centerpieces with the things on hand. Striped cloth napkins – and the decor was done.
Check out how
I made these two centerpieces with the things I had at home.
More ideas here:
Super easy 4th of July ideas
Add Music
Get our 4th of July Music Playlist with 46 songs – over three hours of playtime!
Or create your own,
here are a few of our favorite songs to add to your playlist.
Fun and family first!
I used to plan my parties to the last detail, and sometimes be so overstressed by the time it was the time to celebrate. Now one of the best parts is to cook with my family and make the parties together.
More ideas on Pinterest
Visit Skimbaco’s profile on Pinterest.
Join me on Pinterest this week for many many more ideas for the Ultimate 4th of July!
Global Mappin’s next theme is Party in the USA, and we will be pinning everything USA for our
Global Mappin board, this theme will continue the entire week!
I will be also co-hosting
#AvosfromPeru Pinterest party on Monday on the
Summer 2015 with Avocados from Peru board.