Let’s use that diffuser!
Fall is finally here, and it would be so tempting to pull out those scented candles with fall scent… Don’t. Most candles release toxins when burned and according to new research it can be as harmful as second hand smoke. Candles are made of paraffin wax, and when burned, they can emit several types of potentially hazardous chemicals, such as benzene and toluene. They can cause damage to the brain, lung and central nervous system, as well as cause developmental difficulties.
Instead — use essential oils and a diffuser. Therapeutical grade essential oils smell good and have wellness benefits as well!

I recommend diffusing a few of your favorite oils together. Start with one to three drops and tailor amounts based on your own scent preferences. I start with the least amount and with my favorite and most pleasing scent. Be careful, some scents can overpower others, but your nose knows what to do. And if one particular scent is too strong for you, then add one or two drops of your favorite scent from the collection.
Top Essential Oils for Fall
Orange essential an important ingredient in popular blends such as Citrus Fresh™, Abundance™, Christmas Spirit™, and Peace & Calming®, Orange oil offers a sweet, peaceful aroma that aids is cellular support, emotional balance, and uplifting emotions.
Cinnamon Bark has a hot and spicy fragrance that is said to unlock feelings of abundance. Many use it aromatically for its warm, inviting tones.
Clove essential oil is distilled from the same rich, spicy cloves that have been used in cooking and baking for thousands of years. Clove essential oil promotes a healthy immune response and may support overall wellness, making it an important part of our Thieves, ImmuPower™, Inner Defense™, and Longevity™ formulas.*
Thieves® essential oil is a powerful combination of Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus Radiata, and Rosemary essential oils for an aromatic blend that fills any space with a rich, spicy aroma. Thieves, an exclusive Young Living blend, is known for its immunity sport and purifying qualities.
Ginger has a warm, energizing aroma that also aids in digestion support, muscle tension, and stamina.
Nutmeg has a warm, spicy aroma that is energizing and uplifting. Nutmeg blends well with other oils such as Orange, Clary Sage, any Eucalyptus, and Ginger.
Coriander has a sweet, warm fragrance that is calming and gently uplifting. It also offers pancreatic and digestive support.
Idaho Balsam Fir has a woodsy and refreshing scent. Diffuse for a grounding and calming aroma.
Its versatility in sweet and savory recipes is what makes this fruit a popular item in kitchens and diffusers around the world. This well-rounded oil is known for its energizing and cleansing properties as well as circulatory support.
Bergamot has a light citrusy scent, which can be both uplifting and relaxing when diffused. It’s also known for helping with female hormonal support. It’s a calming oil.
Cedarwood has a warm, woodsy aroma that creates a comforting, uplifting experience.
Cedarwood is a basis in many Young Living products such as Grounding™, Highest Potential™, and Brain Power™ essential oil blends and Cel-Lite Magic™ massage oil. It’s well-known to provide mental focus, emotional balance, and skincare properties.
Peppermint essential oil’s scent invigorates the mind and senses, while inspiring a sense of peace. Wintergreen’s refreshing minty aroma is stimulating and invigorating. It’ also the perfect to scent to transition to the holiday season.
Black Pepper is beautifully fragrant when used aromatically. Inhale directly for its energizing aroma or pair with other oils such as Peppermint, Wintergreen, or Clove.
Spicy Citrus: Orange, Cinnamon Bark, Clove
Pumpkin Pie: Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Clove
Fall Treats: Coriander, Cinnamon, Clove, Ginger
Crisp Autumn Air: Orange, Lemon, Idaho Balsam Fir
Seasonal Wellness: Thieves
Autumn Calm: Bergamot, Cedarwood
Candid Candy: Peppermint or Wintergreen, Cinnamon, Clove
Energizing Fall Blend: Clove, Idaho Balsam Fir, Black Pepper, and Lemon

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Premium Starter Kit now – it comes with 11 most popular essential oils and the diffuser of your choice.