Skimbaco Pinterest Trendspotters Rules


You can find ideas for living Skimbaco Lifestyle from our Pinterest boards. We have organized many of our boards to reflect a lifestyle in a specific region (state or country), the location based boards give you ideas how to enjoy life respecting the cultures and traditions in different locations. You don’t have to go to Texas to enjoy a good pecan pie, nor you have to live in Paris to look Paris Chic, or your home can be thousands of miles away from the ocean, but you can still find ideas how to decorate it coastal style like it was at the Hamptons, or Cape Cod. You’ll also get ideas what to do on your travels, whether it’s your next trip to NYC, or your bucket list vacation to Italy. We also think that the best people to know what’s the best in their location is the people who live there and are passionate about the culture and that’s why we opened up our location based boards to multiple contributors. To keep our boards reflecting our brand and what we stand for, here are the rules we follow and require our Pinterest Trendspotters to follow as well.


DO: – Pin more than once a month – Pin posts from your site if they fit the board. – Pin your friends’ content if they fit the board and our brand requirements. – Stay in topic and follow the rules. – Download your own photos. CONTENT REQUIREMENTS: – Visually pleasing and on the topic. Think pretty – we tweet or write content, on Pinterest we offer a visual tour around our beautiful world. If the content is great but doesn’t have a pretty photo, don’t Pin it, email the link to katja.presnal@skimbaco.com and we can tweet it, share it on Facebook or Stumble it. – The location based boards reflect on a specific lifestyle in a specific region and the pins can be about travel, food, fashion, interior design/home decorating, cocktails. They don’t have to be IN the location, but for example you can pin a Mexican food recipe to Viva La Mexico that you can make at home, it doesn’t have to be just food you can eat IN Mexico. – Think of ways people can enjoy life in the location (like going on the beach in Cape Cod) but also how they can bring the lifestyle at home (create a beach themed table setting). PIN THESE TOPICS: – what to do and how to enjoy life in the location/region, travel tips, where to eat, stay, play, shop. – fashion, clothing, accessories and style boards that reflect the clothing in the location or from the location. – food, where and what to east, what’s the local cuisine, and recipes how to make it home. – pictures of local buildings and homes and ideas how to get the look at home. – Music videos – who is your local band or singer or song about your location? – scenery, views, take us on virtual tour. DON’T: – Add pins to our board more than 5 a day or more than 5 times a week. We don’t want to annoy anyone by over-activity. – Don’t pin the same pin twice. – Add affiliate links or photos linking to affiliate or scam sites. If you have an affiliate link on your own blog in the post you pin a photo to that’s fine, but affiliate links in the pins are not tolerated. DON’T PIN THESE TOPICS: – adult content or sexual reference. – politics or religion reference. – humor or funny stuff if it’s sarcastic and can offend someone. – social media or business topics, we are a consumer facing brand. – blogs, blogging or bloggers. Pin content FROM blogs, but not content about blogging. – parenting or relationships. – contests, giveaways, or sweepstakes. – infographics, most of them are too long and difficult to read on Pinterest. – branded promotions nor “vote for me” type of promotions. – personal blog posts about your personal life. – non-visually pleasing content, however good the article is. We tweet or write about great content, even share it on Facebook and StumbleUpon, but we pin great content with great photos. Skimbaco Pinterest boards have to be visually pleasing. – content from competing American online magazines for women. If you work for a large website, or online magazine, contact us for possible partnering. You will be removed from the board and the Facebook group if you break these rules. We take protecting our brand very seriously, and we will remove pinners from the boards who will abuse the boards, or don’t pin according our brand parameters. This is to not just to protect our Skimbaco brand, but also our entire team, and all of those who want to work with us.

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Skimbaco Lifestyle

Skimbaco Lifestyle is for nomadic trailblazers, fearless founders, rebel leaders and people who live life to the fullest.