Disney’s StarStruck movie is comes out today on DVD and also available in a two disk DVD/CD pack, the full length soundtrack includes songs by stars Sterling Knight and Brandon Mychal Smith. The Extended Edition DVD is the only way to get the exclusive content not aired on TV, and if you have little girls in your family, you will want to note this tween movie – perfect for watching again and again on rainy days of the summer.
My 8 year old daughter Gaby picked her favorite song from the movie to be featured in this post..

What can you tell us about your new movie?
DANIELLE CAMPBELL: StarStruck is a movie with a great, little love twist. I play a character called Jessica – and the movie’s story is all about her falling for a pop star, played by Sterling Knight. I think the movie’s going to have everyone laughing because it’s funny and it’s really, really sweet. Jessica is really down to earth and sweet. She’s not obsessed with fame, but her sister is. In fact, her sister is obsessed with Christopher Wilde – who is the pop star played by Sterling in the movie. She’s a huge fan of his!
Are you similar to Jessica in any way?
DANIELLE CAMPBELL: Well, I can really relate to Jessica because I’m new to Hollywood, just like she is in the movie. Hollywood is a whole new world to me!
Let’s talk fashion, Danielle… Are you a fan of your character’s outfits in StarStruck?
DANIELLE CAMPBELL: Jessica is really girlie, which is pretty similar to me – but she wears a lot of pink and I’m not the biggest fan of that color. I’m pretty casual, just like Jessica – but I think she wears more dresses than I do.
How would you describe your personal sense of style?
DANIELLE CAMPBELL: I love wearing jeans. I live in them! You’ll always find me wearing jeans, boots and a T-shirt – but I’m trying to get into fashion more and I want to play around with it. It’s fun to play with fashion and clothes.
Who is your fashion icon?
DANIELLE CAMPBELL: I love Blake Lively. She’s one of my favorite actresses and she’s got a really classy and beautiful look. She’s somebody that I really look up to and follow.
Have you always wanted to be an actress?
DANIELLE CAMPBELL: I never really pictured myself as an actress. I just fell into the industry when I was 10 years old.
How did you get your big break?
DANIELLE CAMPBELL: I was getting my haircut in Chicago when someone approached my mom. They asked me to audition for an agency and it all started from there. I hadn’t even performed in any school plays or anything like that, so it was pretty amazing to be picked up like that.
So what’s your top tip to acting success?
DANIELLE CAMPBELL: I think it’s all about working hard and learning as much as possible about acting. I took acting classes and I’m always trying to improve myself. Everyone can improve and the more you work in the industry, the better you are going to feel about it.
Do you have any audition tips for youngsters who want to follow in your footsteps and act?
DANIELLE CAMPBELL: Be yourself. It’s important to get into character when you’re performing a scene, but it’s also important to be yourself when you’re meeting people at castings. Put yourself into the character’s shoes and really follow your instinct when you perform the scene, but it’s fine to be yourself once the scene is over.
Is it natural to be nervous at auditions?
DANIELLE CAMPBELL: Some people get really nervous, but others don’t. It’s completely random. If nerves hit, you’ve just got to work through them and be confident with yourself. Oh, and stay positive.

Are you a fan of romantic comedies?
STERLING KNIGHT: Absolutely! I’m definitely a romantic comedy dude because I’m a big romantic at heart. I’m a softy, so it’s always nice to watch movies that make you think that love at first sight is actually possible.
What can you tell us about your character in StarStruck?
STERLING KNIGHT: Christopher Wilde is the most famous and successful pop star on the face of the planet. He has a skewed perception of reality because that’s what his life is like, but he’s a good person underneath it all and he works hard to do his job properly.
Did you enjoy playing Christopher?
STERLING KNIGHT: Sure. I love cars, so it was really fun to play a guy that has six of them in his garage! I had the time of my life on this movie.
Have you ever met anyone like Christopher Wilde in real life?
STERLING KNIGHT: Zac Efron is dangerously close to Christopher Wilde. He doesn’t have as many cars as Christopher, but he is hardworking and he is genuinely one of the nicest people I’ve ever met.
Where did you meet Zac?
STERLING KNIGHT: We shot a movie together called 17 Again and we’ve been friends ever since. He’s very similar to Christopher because he’s really, really famous and he’s extremely inspiring to watch.
Would you like to become a pop star like Christopher?
STERLING KNIGHT: Not really. I’ve always had fun with music, but I prefer to listen to it rather than sing. It was definitely a fun experience to get into a recording studio and see how everything works, but it’s never been a main goal of mine. I don’t think I’ll be actively seeking a pop career.
Spill the beans, Sterling… Have you ever been starstruck before?
STERLING KNIGHT: I don’t usually get starstruck, but I met Sir Paul McCartney randomly on Sunset Boulevard a few years ago and I lost it! I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t think and I didn’t know how to speak. It was crazy. He was nice enough to talk to my family and me for 10 minutes, but I remember babbling away about nonsense.
Which celebrity would make you starstruck right now?
STERLING KNIGHT: I think I’d be pretty starstruck over John Mayer. I’m a big fan of his music and I think he’s great. Like I said, I don’t usually lose my cool when I see a celebrity – but I’d be impressed if I got to talk to John Mayer. It would make my day.
What was the highlight to filming in Hollywood?
STERLING KNIGHT: It was especially cool to film in Hollywood because Danielle – who plays Christopher Wilde’s love interest in StarStruck – had never been to Hollywood before. She’d never seen any of the landmarks and she was really awestruck at the handprints in the concrete at Grauman’s Chinese Theater. It added a great element to the shoot.
Was she blown away by the Hollywood landmarks?
STERLING KNIGHT: She was! I had so much fun watching her eyes widen when she saw things for the first time. She walked up to the imprint of George Clooney’s shoe to see how big his feet were and things like that. She was really funny.
Tell us a reason why we should buy the movie on DVD..
STERLING KNIGHT: We’ve got some really cool stuff on the StarStruck DVD that I’m really excited about. We’ve got some expanded music sequences that were really fun to shoot and there’s also an entire song that was never heard in the original movie. It’s a really catchy track! If you have as much fun listening to it as I had recording it, you’re in for a HUGE treat. StarStruck is a really cool romantic comedy that will have you laughing your head off. It’s sweet, romantic and a lot of fun to watch. Trust me… You’re going to love it!
Disney’s StarStruck on Amazon.com $20.99