Swedish Midsummer Buffet coming to IKEA near you

Midsummer, midsommer in Swedish and juhannus in Finnish, is one of the most celebrated days in Sweden and Finland. It is also called the nightless night, because the sun barely sets when it already comes up again, making it the longest day in the year. While the actual “longest day” may not coincide with the date when Midsummer is celebrated, the nights are short the entire months of June and Jule. Some of the Midsummer traditions include making a Midsummer pole, burning a Midsummer bonfire and everyone who can will spend the entire long weekend on a lake or by the ocean enjoying summer. Food and BBQ is also a big part of Midusmmer celebrations, and thanks to IKEA you might be able to get to taste of what Scandinavian Midsummer buffet could look like. You can enjoy the Swedish tradition of welcoming the summer season with an all-you-can-eat buffet at your local IKEA store on Friday, June 17th, 2011. The price for adults is $9.99 and kids under 12 yrs $2.49. While IKEA food isn’t your gourmet Scandinavian food, I still love IKEA food for bringing me many childhood favorites. We always stock up with jellies and dill herring! Seating is limited so hurry into your local store to get your tickets today. Midsummer Menu: Assorted varieties Herring Hard boiled Eggs with Shrimp Gravad Lax with Mustard Sauce Smoked Salmon w/Horseradish Sauce Whole Poached Salmon Tossed Green Salad Cucumber Salad Rhode Island Salad Midsummer Fruit Salad Assorted Swedish Cheeses Boiled Dill New Potatoes Meatballs with Lingonberries Swedish Ham (served cold) w/Mustard Prinskorv Sausage (sautéed) Crispbread, Thin bread, Dinner rolls Strawberries and Whipped Crème Ice Cream Assorted Desserts Coffee, Tea, Fountain Beverage Source: IKEA

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