Live a Little: Enjoy the Changing Seasons at Home

I hope you are enjoying summer to the end of it, which unfortunately is looming. The morning coldness, almost daily rain showers.. fall is going to be up here in the North sooner than I wished for. You might be able to enjoy summer a little bit longer than us here, but the changing of the seasons can be felt every where this time of the year. Kids are back to school, we are all getting back or learning new routines, and it can all be very exciting and yet very stressful at the same time.

Live a little: enjoy home

Today I encourage you to live a little and enjoy the changing seasons at home. It’s time to start nesting for the fall, and time to start thinking of packing summer away. It’s time to think of the last BBQ parties to host, stocking up with more lanterns and candles, and doing an inventory inside your closet. Above all, don’t just create a chore list of things to accomplish and work at home this fall, but create a list for yourself how you can enjoy the changing seasons at home. Life might be getting more hectic, but don’t let it out of your hands. Instead focus on creating a safe heaven, a relaxing atmosphere and a place where you can feel you are living life to the fullest just by being at home. Here is my list how I want to enjoy home this fall: – Dedicate Sundays for family, and cooking together. We made individual pizzas yesterday, and it was so much fun! – Eat outside in the pack terrace – even if I have to wrap myself in a blanket. – Read more books. We finally got library cards, and found English books in a flea market downtown. Missing Barnes & Noble tremendously, but am finding books that I had completely missed. – Time to start making soups again. Soups that warm your body and soul, and that last for two days so I don’t have to cook every day. We started by making homemade chicken soup last week. – Planning a craft room. So we can do more crafts and enjoy time together with the kids. How are you living a little at home?  
  1. One of my favorite restaurants was named Cafe Potage. So I love soups too! I adore the aroma of them cooking and the simplicity of having that and crusty bread or a salad for a savory meal. Nom. I think we might do soup week the minute it gets cooler.

  2. I need to get organized now that the kids are in school! I know it sounds horrible but I am glad that they’re busy during the day so I can get things done without them underfoot. They’ve been arguing like crazy this summer… I do love it when we make individual pizzas, though. Hope to do that with them soon.

  3. I love it when it turns to fall here in Florida but I do miss the trees changing. I look forward to being able to cook without feeling like oi am going to pass out from the heat! I love soups and am plannng on making more this season and of course I love the holidays!!

    1. I LOVE the foliage, I don’t know how I’d do in Florida without it.. :) But at least you won’t be freezing during winters.. and the beach, oh I miss the beach..

  4. I’m already looking forward to fall. It’s my favorite time of the year. Earlier this morning I started cleaning up the deck a little and pulling up some plants that weren’t doing so well. I’ve been working on a few few “autumn” dishes and lighting a few candles in a fall flavor to get me in the mood. Hoping to enjoy a few campfires in out firepit this year.

    1. Nothing better than fire for little ambiance.. love it! The best about this in-between-time is that you can still enjoy the coziness of fire and darkness outdoors, without the actual freezing of fingers off like later in the fall :)

  5. Great reminders! Still not settled into our apartment it’s difficult to think about how to feel settled. Cooking together is a great idea! Sundays have always been our family/friends day and it will be good to be in the mode again.

    The kids are back in school? Let’s Skype. Perhaps next Saturday?

    Quinn starts one week of camp today. Ice skating in the morning, beach in the afternoon (if it stops raining i hope!) Tomorrow something different. Then next Tuesday, his new school starts and we’ll officially be in Fall mode.

    Thanks for the great reminders!

    1. Skype on Saturday – YES. Hope you feel like “home” soon. And your family has always been very good at also getting out on the weekends.. we are still such homebodies, that when we are not traveling the world, we just hang out home cooking and baking together. We have been really trying to do more local stuff here now, I feel like there were so many things in New York that we never did and we should have.

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Skimbaco Lifestyle

Skimbaco Lifestyle is for nomadic trailblazers, fearless founders, rebel leaders and people who live life to the fullest.