Looking for free printable Valentine’s Day cards for kids? Here are some new cards from Disney’s Mars Needs Moms movie (coming out in March 11th, 2011) and from Pocoyo and friends. I also created some simple designs, which you can also print out and frame for cheap art.
Print out Skimbaco exclusive cards.
Pocoyo and his animal friends, Elly (the elephant), Pato (the duck) and Loula (the dog) are characters in a TV show on Nick Jr. and he is a big hit among the little ones in the family. I like how these cards include a pop out heart inside the card!
Download them here:
Pocoyo Valentine’s Day Card
Pato Valentine’s Day Card
Elly Valentine’s Day Card
Loula Valentine’s Day Card
Print the Mars Needs Moms cards
Check out also Deal Seeking Mom’s free printable Valentine’s Day card roundup.
Skimbaco Valentine’s Day Printable Cards

Pocoyo and friends Valentine’s Day Printable Cards

Mars Needs Moms free printable Valentine’s Day cards