The product reviews you see on my blog here are my personal experiences and opinions about the products – some of them I have bought, some of them just seen in stores and some of them are sent to me by the companies. If I receive products that we don’t need, I normally donate them for my friends, someone in need or local charities. Trisha from MomDot.com had a great idea – there are ton of us bloggers reviewing and giving away products – what if every time we receive products from companies, we also ask a product to be given away for someone in need?
Trisha just launched
>Bloggers Give – a charity progam where bloggers can give back and help together, one giveaway and one review at the time towards a same charity. The first charity Bloggers Give will be helping is
>Courageous Kids. Bloggers can make a huge difference – let’s make it together.
>Bloggers Give.