Room Makeover on A Budget – I Did It and You Can Do It too!

Thanks for following my bedroom makeover at BHG.com! I have been so pleased with my bedroom that I haven’t done any changes to my newly redecorated bedroom. I have been planning on getting a small chair in the corner, but haven’t found one yet. That is really the only change or addition that I have been planning on making to our bedroom, and it pretty much looks the same as on the day I finished decorating. If you want to see the final room makeovers of Sheena of Mommy Daddy Blog and Colleen of Classy Mommy – they are now published at BHG.com.

I actually have been so inspired by the Better Homes & Gardens and the whole makeover-on-a-budget thing, that I am already thinking of new rooms to decorate. I have been flipping through ideas at the Better Homes and Gardens website. Also, I forgot to mention in my previous post – there is a free one year Better Homes and Gardens magazine subscription included with many of the furniture! I got my free subscription with the bookshelf I bought.

The lucky winner of a $100 mini-makeover giveaway is Denene of My Brown Baby. I’m hoping she will have fun decorating her family room. I wanted to share a few ideas what kind of mini makeover you could do for hundred bucks with the Better Homes and Gardens product line sold at Walmarts. Here are my picks for bathroom and dining room.

I love the brown and white combo for bathroom, and the aqua is the perfect accent color for the summer to lighten up the brown. I already have solid brown and white towels, so the one lonely towel with print will just nicely pop some color in the bathroom, while I can keep the budget low.

The blue and white color combo for dining room brings nice Scandinavian feeling. The 16-piece dinnerware set is under 35 dollars, and I like using cloth napkins, they are better for environment too and look nicer than paper napkins.

This challenge was so much fun, and I can’t wait to do more in our home. What I learned from this experience was that little goes far, and one of the key things is to get inspired to have that home decorating bug to bite you. When you decorate with your heart, the results are much better too! This post is also published at BHG.com.

  1. Candace – actually sage green and pink go very well together – maybe you are able to mix and match so you don’t have to buy all new stuff?

  2. Oh Katja! It is gorgeous. Very luxe looking–especially considering your budget!

    I am in the process of making over my daughter’s room in stages…both because I have a very small budget and also because she doesn’t take to change well. But she loves pink and I had originally done everything in sage green for her…so Junior will get the green and she gets new big girl stuff!

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