Damn, I’m ready to nest, and I’m even boring my husband to death (or, to sleep) with my craft, sewing, home decorating and DIY plans. And no, the picture isn’t of my husband, it’s Ryan Gosling. The line is his though, my sweet man.
I am so ready to have a home, a house to live in, rooms to decorate, dinners to cook. I enjoy this semi-carefree hotel living, testing the restaurants in town, and I can’t even describe how excited I am about next week’s trip to Italy, but boy am I ready to have a home.
It has been very freeing to get rid of our belongings, and start from scratch, but I admit, I can’t wait to start collecting little things around me again… and to create a beautiful home. We’ve been living in rental apartments in New York the past 3,5 years, and I am so excited to be living in a house again, with a yard, with space for my craft and DIY projects, space for kids to play.
I try not to overload
my Pinterest boards with products I want to buy, with crafts and projects I want to make. But I can’t help it. I have followed 20+ new blogs to scout more ideas, I have visited the local flea markets to look for furniture that can be turned into something fantastic with a little paint. The best? Kids are getting excited too. My daughter wants to learn to use my sewing machine, my son is excited for flea market adventures.
I am planning on making a few changes in my blog network too. I am hoping my positive lifestyle change will be visible in my blogs too, and hope you join the journey. I hope you will join our Monday blog hop
Live a Little and please connect with me on
Pinterest and
Facebook and share your home decorating projects, recipes, your Pinterest boards..
I want to hear how you live Skimbaco Lifestyle.