The Sweet Paul magazine’s spring issue is now out, and you don’t want to miss the full issue of lifestyle goodness. Recipes, articles, decorating ideas, product finds and more. The best – you don’t have to leave the house and get yourself to Barnes & Noble to buy an issue..
Sweet Paul is an online magazine and you can click to the goodness immediately.

Farm House Spring Pudding recipe with rhubarb and berries seems like enough reason to click over to
Sweet Paul’s magazine right now.. but if you want to see a few additional teasers, here you go.
Eggs, glorious eggs..
I love that Paul likes eggs. Because we all know that eggs are so simple, but can be so complicated when it comes to delicate baking, and eggs and spring – can there be anything better? We’ve been having eggs in a hole experiments with the kids this spring, and were planning on mastering the Spanish potato omelet.. And then I saw all of the egg recipes at Sweet Paul, and we added a few more “must try” recipes to our list.
Tarts anyone..?

When I saw this chèvre beets tart… my heart melted.

Or spinach & feta… Yes please!
More spring ideas…
The Sweet Paul spring issue is full of amazing spring ideas and recipes…
clickity click now to see it all.

Photos: sweet paul magazine